View Full Version : Canadian Supreme Court Delivers Huge Win For Internet Privacy

06-13-2014, 03:52 PM

For the past several months, many Canadians have been debating privacy reform, with the government moving forward on two bills involving Internet surveillance and expanded voluntary, warrantless disclosure of personal information. Today, the Supreme Court of Canada entered the debate and completely changed the discussion, issuing its long-awaited R. v. Spencer decision, which examined the legality of voluntary warrantless disclosure of basic subscriber information to law enforcement. Michael Geist summarizes the findings, noting that the unanimous decision included a strong endorsement of Internet privacy, emphasizing the privacy importance of subscriber information, the right to anonymity, and the need for police to obtain a warrant for subscriber information except in exigent circumstances or under a reasonable law.

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Im sure all the US Spy Companies funded by grants from the Federal Govt will push hard to undermine and circumvent this as Spying on everyone in the world has become the US' #1 Industry. And all because they just want you to buy shit you dont need at prices you cant afford with wages from the jobs you dont have.