View Full Version : The US Government Explained In One Chart

05-22-2014, 07:56 PM
Charts help because...Boobus.


The oligarchic pilfering and capital misallocating and squandering network of insiders known as "government" truly deserves a picture rather than 1000 words.


Still, here are a few words via Bill Bonner from Acting Man blog, who explains that...

Government’s primary concern is not to protect its citizens or their economy. Instead, it aims to transfer more power, status, and wealth to the elite who control it (the oligarchs).

And to do that, it must keep the masses (the poligarchs) sedated. As Charles Hugh Smith, chief writer at OfTwoMinds.com, explains:

"The State has two core mandates: enforce quasi-monopolies and cartels for private capital, and satisfy enough of the citizenry’s demands for more benefits to maintain social stability. If the State fails to maintain monopolistic cartels, profit margins plummet and capital is unable to maintain its spending on investment and labor. Simply put, the economy tanks as profits, investment and growth all stagnate. If the State fails to satisfy enough of the citizenry’s demands, it risks social instability."