View Full Version : Why The Republic Leadership Needs to Go – It is Political Civil War

05-09-2014, 11:43 AM

The Republican Elite Beltway establishment is celebrating the victory of Thom Tillis, Speaker of the North Carolina House, over his Tea Party and Evangelical rivals in Tuesday’s primary for the U.S. Senate. However, the deliberate assault upon Walter Jones by John Boehner has been outrageous and failed. Boehner purged all economic conservatives from the House Finance Committee. Boehner then had massive amounts of money sent it to North Carolina to try to get rid of Walter Jones for his support of Ron Paul and to try to save the country.

The Republican Beltway elite massively funded the effort to try to purge all economic conservatives so Boehner can keep Washington as the inside game hell-bent on sending the nation into absolute disaster. Boehner directed a million dollars of super PAC money poured into the district that tried to paint Walter Jones as a liberal when that is Boehner to the letter. Boehner is simply a low-life politician who if he was dictator, he would never champion any reform. It is business as usual for him and he is the leading cause of why the Republican party may split (http://armstrongeconomics.com/2013/02/15/republican-party-splitting-in-two-3rd-party-rising-for-2016/).
The Republican Party is doomed. These types of people are so country-club establishment that they cannot see that they are seriously out of touch with America. They are placing the future at risk no different from the Democrats.

Needless to say, tons of emails have been coming in since there has been public comment confirming there is talk about the Republican Party splitting up. It is INEVITABLE because John Boehner has virtually destroyed everything the economic conservatives stood for. This is the man that retaliated against any Republican that supported Ron Paul. This is the man who sees business as usual as the path to power with no purpose. Boehner has done more to destroy the Republican Party than perhaps anyone in history. The childish retaliation against Economic Conservatives demonstrates they have no party. This will be the source of the Third Party movement leaving the Religious Right and the Marxists on the fringe as they try to resurrect a more sensible approach down the middle based upon practical economics.

A third (second) party is our only hope.

05-09-2014, 11:57 AM
A schism is on the way. I don't see a way of avoiding it. It needs to start with Tea Party and Evangelicals refusing to support an establishment RINO. That means removing Boehner from his speaker position.