View Full Version : Good job today guys! (Hucksarmy doesnt hold a candle!)

11-30-2007, 11:21 PM
Pretty funny how we wont hear how no one wants to donate money for the Huckabee from the MSM! Great job today guys december 16th is going to be BIG. I would love to see what the Hucksarmy people say about this and there forums being down... They are going to try to blame it on RP supports for the reason of their failure to meet goals and the site being down.

11-30-2007, 11:24 PM
They're going to meet their goal if they bend the timezones a bit. A successful day for both camps.

I really really wish the polls woulnd't under-represent our support. We should be low teens in a lot of these polls.

11-30-2007, 11:28 PM
They may miss it unless the offsite donations come in on the last min. Huckabee has very few supporters on the west coast and very little in Hawaii let alone ones that will donate.