View Full Version : BLM Theory: Hessians Redux

04-21-2014, 09:22 AM
Kudos to Kerodin for Picking this Up. Like I said before, that funny money can attract some unsavory individuals:

I have a piece of information that suggests the mercenary angle may have merit. In 2012 BLM reportedly had 255 men with badges and guns in the agency. (Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, here) People on the ground at Bunkerville, and press reports, say there were 200 or so BLM uniforms in place. I have searched every picture I can find, and I have not found anything but BLM patches - no FBI, Marshals, et cetera.

Do we believe that BLM was able to muster more than 2/3 of their armed personnel in the desert from across the nation for this one operation?

If we have a hard time believing that proposition, then we must consider who the men were in BLM uniforms. If they were, indeed, paid soldiers, then we must consider an even more uncomfortable reality: FedGov has contract operators standing by as trigger-pullers and they have protocols in place that facilitate putting these men in official US Government Agency uniforms on a short timeline.

Let that soak in, folks.

If we hold that such a possibility exists, we must follow it to likely conclusions and be aware of it in future meetings of Patriots and ".Gov employees."

How many contract operators are at the disposal of FedGov? How many different agencies have extra uniforms ready for them to wear? How many times in the past have professional mercenaries been in our midst, wearing official uniforms, ready to unleash hell on behalf of BLM, Capitol Police, Uniformed Secret Service, et cetera?