View Full Version : CNN: Head of Tea Party Express resigns to work for Matt Bevin: "KY should be ground zero"

04-18-2014, 09:20 PM
She compared Bevin to other conservatives in the Senate who have bucked the GOP establishment, such as Sens. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Mike Lee.

“They're having daggers put in their back, not by the Democrats but by members of their own caucus,” she said. “That effort is being led by Mitch McConnell and the only way to stop that is to defeat Mitch McConnell... This should be ground zero for the movement.”
Source (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/04/18/first-on-cnn-amy-kremer-to-resign-from-tea-party-express/)

Glad she included Rand, unlike some others have been doing lately! She's absolutely spot-on. This primary will be decided by just a few hundred thousand voters, meaning the more bank per buck or volunteer hour than a lot of other states. An articulate liberty-ally with strong support both on the ground and nationally, in striking position of the most powerful establishment Republican, in a state history proves we can win... it's too good an opportunity to miss. It will send an even louder message than when we first elected to Rand, and shake DC to its core. It should thus be an high priority for any tea parties or liberty groups out there.

If you're already phone banking for Greg Brannon or a liberty candidate, carry on! But if not, get involved and help us in Kentucky make history again - sign up and start making calls toady (http://mattbevin.com/remote-calling/)!

04-18-2014, 09:20 PM
Haven't had time to post much because things have been crazy here on the ground, but here's a quick update on the race:

- Over 3,500 activists rallied with Matt at FreePAC Kentucky (full video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cicqXqNhNXA))
- Matt has been EVERYWHERE - 100+ campaign stops (like on FB (https://www.facebook.com/mattbevinforkentucky) for pictures & updates)
- Rand Paul's field rep Bernie Kunkel joined Matt's campaign (http://mycn2.com/politics/bernie-kunkel-leaves-rand-paul-s-staff-to-join-matt-bevin-s-campaign-team-against-mcconnell)
- Matt and Rand (http://nelsoncountygazette.com/?p=21316) are taking Lincoln dinners by storm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fngqGmgkiCU) across the state (pictures (https://www.facebook.com/alan.j.brown.16/media_set?set=a.10203309492238961.1073741828.12599 23944&type=3))
- Matt raised $1.1 million (http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/elections/kentucky/2014/04/14/bevin-campaign-best-fundraising-quarter/7700135/) from 30K donors in his best fundraising quarter yet
- The incumbent spent $10 million and still has a lower approval rate than Obama in Kentucky
- Bevin has been consistently polling stronger (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2014/senate/kentucky_senate_race.html) in the general than the incumbent

On the ground there is rising excitement for Matt, great turnouts at events, signs popping up everywhere, and most folks seem to know who he is now when talking to them. Thanks to the inroads the liberty movement made in the party structure, he's been able to speak at most Lincoln Dinners in front of crowds of hundreds. (Wouldn't have happened a few years ago.)

VoterID polling has been incredibly encouraging lately. Volunteers hardly encounter anyone who openly admits to supporting McConnell. Primary polls have been all over the place and too infrequent to get a clear picture - media articles still cite polls from February - and those contradict VoterID surveys. The conflicting data has left me very perplexed on what our exact status is, but it doesn't change what it will take to win. I am confident that if we want it badly enough to do the work, we will win Kentucky. And the more liberty-allies we get in congress, the less our members will have to deal and beg from the establishment to get votes on their bills.

Thanks for any prayers, donations or phone calls!


With Judge Napolitano and Boone County GOP Chairman Rick Brueggemann

Plenty of traffic!

One of many Lincoln Dinners

One campaign office
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/1977112_10152103275107462_8678098638237030714_n.jp g

FreePAC Kentucky!

Just a couple fired up supporters

Outworking establishment at Lincoln Dinners - Stickers, info and someone to hold the door!
https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t1.0-9/971330_10203309493638996_810512640_n.jpg?oh=ddf893 6f6d73f83406da06b9af13feb3&oe=53CB2E45

We've come to take out government back!!

04-19-2014, 08:24 PM