View Full Version : Bundy Ranch Dispute Explained (Relatively Concise)

04-18-2014, 05:15 PM
This is like BLM for dummies ... I think this guy did a great job.


04-18-2014, 07:07 PM
I would also emphasize that there is no so-called "conspiracy, "smoking gun," or whatever you want to call it. I have not followed this issue closely, but all of this just seems to be business as usual. A company comes into an area. They change the area to place their business. The ecological and other fallout does not rest with the company, but rather the citizens in the surrounding areas. These areas are often rural.

This happens all the time. Forget this singular argument of Reid and a single Chinese company. Reid is certainly a major figure in this, but there are other companies. A lot of them probably have nothing to do with solar power, but they will still get the support of Reid and others like him. It's the displacement consequence of development. It's called "secondary mitigation" in Bundy's case, but garbage euphemisms by any other name stink just as bad.

The fallout of development has been transferred from the urban developers and dwellers to rural dwellers. Urbanites and urban developers are transferring the consequences of development away from themselves and the city to the rural dweller who does not even live in the area and has nothing to do with it.

How else can you explain why 52 other ranchers are out of business?

04-18-2014, 07:45 PM
I'm pretty sure I have BLM maps from before 1976.

This is the first I've heard of them having anything to do with lands other than BLM land.

They always seemed like nice people helping you with maps showing where your publicly held BLM land was located.

Things sure seem to have changed. While a few have been wondering about the gold in Fork Knox it seems all of our public lands has been auctioned off to the highest bidder.

All of the arguments surrounding Bundy seem irrelevant now. All of the squeaky clean cattle ranchers in the county were driven off the land long before him. It would seem that the last man standing might be just his kind of fighter. Might carry a little baggage. Kind of goes with the territory.