View Full Version : Fabian Calvo: BLM and Deals for Chinese Investors, Imploding Dollar and Housing Market Crash

04-14-2014, 11:09 AM
Fabian Calvo: BLM and Deals for Chinese Investors, Imploding Dollar and Housing Market Crash

Fabian Calvo from TheNoteHouse.us says, "Real investors are scared to death of the imploding U.S. dollar. . . . Not everybody is a gold investor, and real estate is a tangible hard asset that can be rented out. I think home prices could go up until we have another full blown collapse. I think the collapse of the housing market will be coupled with the stock market collapse, the bond market collapse and the dollar collapse. Everything will blow at once."

As far as the recent crisis between the federal government and the Bundy ranch in Nevada, Calvo says, "I think this Bundy ranch situation could be the Lexington and Concord of the Second American Revolution. Through the BLM, the Department of the Interior has been confiscating land and going after land . . . The Department of Interior and BLM has been providing sweetheart deals for Chinese investors."

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Fabian Calvo from TheNoteHouse.us.
