View Full Version : Robert Scheer stands up for Ron & Rand Paul on Berkeley Radio, says Clintons raped the US

03-25-2014, 05:00 PM
Robert Scheer is a self-proclaimed (including during this interview) Democratic Socialist, but was one of the first writers/pundits to laud Rand as a new Senator, provoking a major pro-Paul vs. anti-Paul debate on NPR in Los Angeles.

Now listen to this, an interview from two days ago on KPFA. Bob compares the liberal attacks on libertarians to "Red Scare"-era carnival tactics. Then he launches hardcore into the Clintons. Bill Clinton he especially singles out & just buries him. Defends Rand Paul's 2016 candidacy for an HOUR (if you don't want to listen to the whole thing, skip around, it's all fairly epic) vs. a VERY smarmy authoritarian show host & several mocking callers.


03-25-2014, 06:39 PM
Thanks for the interview. Scheer is a proven, smart & good egg in my book.