View Full Version : Deadliest Jobs in America. Hope they make it home safe

03-25-2014, 12:16 AM
Well for fucks sake, Cops didn't even show up in the top 10.


The next time some you find yourself in a conversation with a boot licker talking about the cop needs to make it home safe, why don't you let him know he should feel the same way about Loggers, and roofers, and construction workers, and fisherman, and farmers who ALL HAVE MUCH MORE DANGEROUS jobs than COPS!

Even the fucking garbage man is taking a bigger risk in the morning, wondering if he'll make it home to his family, compared to a cop. Why dont these bootlickers bow down to the garbage man who picks up their shit every Wednesday, he's taking on more risk for you than any cop.

03-25-2014, 12:23 AM
It's been posted before on here but it's worth repeating. Every time someone tells me how dangerous it is to be a cop and how they fear they won't make it home I tell them that they have a better odds than me (at #9). Maybe I should wear body armor, carry tasers in addition to firearms, and shoot indiscriminately at others. That way I could help lower the danger I face. :p

03-25-2014, 12:24 AM
Well this one seems to take 2007 stats in mind. Cops actually show up at 10th, but interestingly the cause of deaths seem to be transportation accidents.

Whereas the #11 TAXI driver cause of death is violent acts. So it appears the taxi driver is the one who has to be worried about getting killed by some psycho on the street.


This had a nice summary as well:


What exactly is more dangerous than being a cop? For starters, a trash collector is twice as likely to die on the job versus a cop, fishing is 7 times more dangerous than being a cop, and logging workers, nearly 9 times more dangerous.

The majority of police deaths are not as a result of violence in the line of duty either, most have occurred accidentally rather than feloniously. Most police officers die, not in some heroic high speed pursuit of a child murderer, but in routine traffic accidents.

03-25-2014, 12:28 AM
Wouldn't it make more sense to give the drivers (#8) armored vehicles rather than the profession that is less dangerous?

03-25-2014, 12:45 AM
Well this one seems to take 2007 stats in mind. Cops actually show up at 10th, but interestingly the cause of deaths seem to be transportation accidents.

Which is just another way of saying that the people charged with criticizing our driving (and enhancing revenue for the jurisdiction and our insurance companies in the process) cannot, in fact, drive worth a damn.

Which must be why society allows them to violate all the traffic laws at will.

mad cow
03-25-2014, 01:05 AM
I don't particularly like articles like this.The last thing most of the workers on that list want is more government "help" to make their jobs more "safe".

I would rather fly under the radar.