View Full Version : Statist censorship of pro liberty groups, blogs etc, increasing in social networks

03-16-2014, 04:24 PM
The censorship the ruling Statist elite and their mindless zombie drone followers are on the rise as tey now now they have lost the debate on public opinion so using force to try to silence and stifle dissent is the only recourse they have left. Personally I get constantly blocked from Facebook fro not being a devout state worshiper. I co administer a page there called Shit Statists Say For Grownups and they have been constantly falsely reporting that the pictures there show genitalia which they do not. And have managed to block me twice based on my political views alone using false reports s an excuse.

Christopher A. Brown
03-21-2014, 03:37 PM
Good thread. People need to know this is happening. And you are correct, if you are being censored, they lost the debate. They can't marginalize you with words. And yes, false reports are commonly used to justify censorship. Cognitive distortions twisting discussion is the main reason I developed the strategy seen here.


But be aware you are fitting in with the elite agenda by using labels as you are. Not a criticism, just pointing it out. You will probably have to continue and slowly educate your group to what they are doing.

For example. People have tried to call me a statist because I defend the constitution. The constitution is not a state. The word "statist" is a label, which is a cognitive distortion.

The constitution is a limiter or controller of states. We are basically stuck with states for awhile, until our common educational levels enable near total independence from corporate and state support. Most critically the constitution limits the collusion between corporations and the state. Such collusion has created our dependency which is very much against our interests.

Cognitive distortions are a main tool of the elitist agenda (I can use that label because we both know what it means). Cognitive distortions have been taught surreptitiously by corporate media for over 2 generations. All forms of media were used on TV; sitcoms, soaps, game shows, all forms of films and episodic entertainment series.

What they do is prevent critical thinking by removing the real information needed for understanding. Here is a list used by cognitive therapists to treat individuals who suffer from disorders caused by using cognitive distortions in their thinking.


1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories. If things are less than perfect self is viewed as failure.
2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous failure.
3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.
5. Mind reading: One absolutely concludes that others are reacting positively or negatively without investigating reality.
6. Fortune Telling: Based on previous 5 distortions, anticipation of negative or positive outcome of situations is established
7. Catastrophizing: Exaggerated importance of self's failures and others successes.
8. Emotional reasoning: One feels as though emotional state IS reality of situation.
9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.
10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.
11. Personalization: Thinking that the actions or statements of others are a reaction to you.
12. Entitlement: Believing that you deserve things you have not earned.

On the web, cognitive infiltration uses covert groups that employ the above distortions in ways that make them appear as valid impressions, concepts, notions, thinking, perceptions etc. When the group agrees upon the use of the distortion as accurate and valid information for critical thinking, the unwary viewer can easily be induced to follow the quasi thinking the covert group exemplifies.

The interesting thing about cognitive distortions is that the intent of their use controls how they work. Between people who understand a given subject, distortions can be used with greater linguistic efficiency because they are shorter. They lack all of the info needed for understanding. But when people already understand, you don't need all that info. Distortions also carry implication of attitude which create a "flavor" or more "colorful" discussion. When discussing things in a group where some do not use or know the details which are the basis for the understanding which the distortion represents, those people can be alienated or disoriented by the distortions.

I understand exactly what you are saying because I understand the phrases and words which are the distortions. When you can take that list and break down your post to all the separate distortions, you will be fairly ready to take on the communications of others. The reason I suggest you start with your own post is because you know exactly what you mean.

You are doing good work and bringing valid perspective to your generation. If you can refine it, limiting distortions helps, but social groups use them extensively, a learned behavior, so you'll have to go slowly in your groups; you will be able to increase the size of the overall group that supports your intentions. So this awareness is very important for unity and I recommend it for all Americans trying to take action to protect ourselves from out of control, colluding state actions. And there are a shit load of them. In fact, it is becoming fairly dominiant which is why things are getting so bad.

Check my site for some documentation of cognitive infiltrations I have screen shot and posted in order to inform activists in various areas of what they are up against. There is a navigation block at the bottom with a number of social activist areas I've worked in and found such infiltrations.


Near the bottom is also a link to my 9-11 section which has its own, quite significant amount of documentation for the cognitive infiltration I found in that area of activism.

03-22-2014, 09:33 PM
Well at least you are pragmatic which is not the case with many so called constitutionalists.

Christopher A. Brown
03-23-2014, 10:35 AM
Well at least you are pragmatic which is not the case with many so called constitutionalists.

That would be true. However I have a lot more and exclusive info on history and psychology than the "so called".

When you write "pro liberty" do you refer to anarchism?

03-23-2014, 10:42 AM
This fit's well here.

Former Obama Administration Calls for Infiltration of Conspiracy Theory Groups
Former White House adviser Cass Sunstein, who is responsible for creating government "nudges," (SEE: Getting Nudged, Real Hard), is out with a new book, Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas. The man hates conspiracy theories and thinks the government should be pro-active in countering such theories.

In the new book, he writes:
A potential approach (growing directly out of the account here of how such [conspiracy] theories spread) is cognitive infiltration of extremist groups. As used here, this admittedly provocative term does not mean 1960s-style infiltration with a view to surveillance and collecting information, possibly for use in future prosecutions. Rather, it means that government efforts might succeed in weakening or even breaking up the ideological and epistemological complexes that constitute these networks and groups...How might this tactic work? Recall that extremist networks and groups, including those that purvey conspiracy theories, typically suffer from a kind of crippled epistemology. Hearing only conspiratorial accounts of government behavior, their members become ever more prone to believe and generate such accounts. Perhaps the generation of ever-more-extreme views within these groups can be dampened or reversed by the introduction of cognitive diversity. Government might introduce such diversity—needless to say, only under circumstances in which there is a compelling and legitimate need to respond to the conspiracy theory, as, for example, to reduce a threat of violence from potential terrorists in another nation...[In one] variant government officials would participate anonymously or even with false identities.

It's possible these operations are already ongoing, in two ways, by such infiltrators spreading misinformation or by infiltrators advancing a legitimate conspiracy theory to absurd levels, thus discrediting a theory to all but those who have studied the facts of a theory in detail and who know how to separate the truth from government fiction.

Why do I say these operations may now be ongoing? When Sunstein was at the White House, he was head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Got that? Head of Information Affairs. This guy isn't talking theory, he's talking what he has already set up.

http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2014/03/former-obama-administration-calls-for.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+economicpolicyjournal%2FYZSb+ %28EconomicPolicyJournal.com%29

03-23-2014, 11:29 AM
They seem to be stepping it up lately.

Youtube shuts down Mark Dice's channel

Jim Quinn wrote a three part series on the censorship he recently experienced:




03-23-2014, 11:30 AM
They seem to be stepping it up lately.

Youtube shuts down Mark Dice's channel

Jim Quinn wrote a three part series on the censorship he recently experienced:




It's been nice knowing you all.

03-23-2014, 11:56 AM
So what? Facebook is a privately held company. I support their right to censor anything they want. Once you can comprehend that government should not enforce privately held companies policy, only then will you be on the right path.

03-23-2014, 12:07 PM
So what? Facebook is a privately held company. I support their right to censor anything they want. Once you can comprehend that government should not enforce privately held companies policy, only then will you be on the right path.

Once you comprehend fascism, only then will you be on the right path.

The mass media, along with their corporate compatriots – Microsoft, Apple, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Yahoo, Facebook and Google, gather vast amounts of data, emails, phone calls, texts, internet searches, spending habits, credit information, passwords, videos and private personal information from an agreeable, gullible and trusting populace. Americans have a seemingly infinite capacity for blindly counting on the government and the corporatocracy to use this data in an honorable and ethical manner. But, as Edward Snowden has revealed, the corporate fascist state is collecting every shred of data on every American in a systematic and thorough way (http://www.theburningplatform.com/2014/02/24/do-no-evil-google-censor-snitch-for-the-state/). We have voluntarily surrendered our privacy, liberties, and freedoms to mega-corporations like Google and their techno-brethren, who then willingly collaborate with Big Brother NSA and allow unfettered access to this private information.

The U.S. Constitution along with the First and Fourth Amendments are meaningless to these deceitful entities. Our freedoms have dissipated at the same rate we have adopted the technological “innovations” of Facebook, Twitter, and Google. We are being monitored, scrutinized, tracked and controlled by the technology we have exuberantly purchased from the mega-corporations stripping us of our freedom. [...]

Google has become a tool and partner of the Deep State. Enrichment of the state within the state is their sole purpose. Google’s Don’t Be Evil motto, originated when they were a fledgling company in 2000, has become a farce as they have descended into the netherworld as the information police for the ruling despots. They are now a humungous corporation with near monopoly control over the flow of information, searches, emails, and internet advertising. They know more about you and your habits than you do. They attempt to control freedom of speech at the point of a wire transfer. Fall into line or no advertising blood money for you. Not only do they suppress viewpoints through advertising revenue bullying, they manipulate their search engine results to hide the truth from the masses. Google search engines filter, block and bury blog posts that contain content or information it deems incompatible with the message of its corporate fascist co-conspirators. Its oppressive corporate practices on behalf of its evil partners are an abridgment of the freedom of speech, perversion of the truth, and active attempt to mold the minds of the masses.

03-23-2014, 01:03 PM
Once you comprehend fascism, only then will you be on the right path.Could not have said it better myself 69360 is in a desperate need of good history lessons.

03-23-2014, 02:53 PM
So you know that facebook, google etc are giving away your info to the government. Yet you continue to use them, then have the nerve to complain that they censor you? :rolleyes: It's their constitutional right to censor you for any reason they see fit.

You have no constitutional right to use a private website and expect that website not to hand over your personal information to the government. They can will and have done what they want with it.

You call companies statist but you want the government to enforce regulations on private corporations. Pot meet kettle.

If you want privacy keep things to yourself and off the internet, it's that simple. Just today we had Carter, a former potus admit he thinks he is spied on and uses a typewriter or pen and paper to avoid the NSA.

Christopher A. Brown
03-23-2014, 06:16 PM
They seem to be stepping it up lately.

Youtube shuts down Mark Dice's channel

Jim Quinn wrote a three part series on the censorship he recently experienced:




Youtube blocked a video I produced from being posted as a response video. I produced the video because of the response video feature which is a built in context accurate promotion. First direct response posting was blocked, then text comments from my channel was blocked because I was posting the url. It is about solution to oil dependency, based in creating robust conservation. America uses about 70% of the worlds petroleum. We are addicts.


At the bottom of the page is a navigation quad with links to pages having documentation of cognitive infiltration and other tricks in all areas of activism.

This has been going on since 1998, at least. Probably since dot com started in 1995.

03-23-2014, 11:00 PM
So you know that facebook, google etc are giving away your info to the government. Yet you continue to use them, then have the nerve to complain that they censor you? :rolleyes: It's their constitutional right to censor you for any reason they see fit.

You have no constitutional right to use a private website and expect that website not to hand over your personal information to the government. They can will and have done what they want with it.

You call companies statist but you want the government to enforce regulations on private corporations. Pot meet kettle.

If you want privacy keep things to yourself and off the internet, it's that simple. Just today we had Carter, a former potus admit he thinks he is spied on and uses a typewriter or pen and paper to avoid the NSA.

Actually I am an Anarchist I don't want government period and rights are not privileges granted by government or a piece of paper AKA the constitution, rights are natural and you are born with them. Now that states do or do not recognize natural rights is quite another matter. And given the monopolistic policies that are in place your argument falls short and honestly if all of them just want Obama worshipers as members they should just say so but people are being persecuted for political reasons based on unwritten terms of service of this companies. Oh and I never post personal info on any social network ever. And your solution of giving up and move to live in caves to escape government is inane.

03-24-2014, 08:16 AM
And your solution of giving up and move to live in caves to escape government is inane.

It is a problem. Actually, it's a battle, and I thank you for fighting it. I get frustrated with that, to the point where I spend too much time here. I tell myself that digestion of the news and helping how to put developments in nutshells, and keeping the cognitive infiltrators from having their own way here in our bulwark, our bastion, is important. But some days I feel useless, and I think people like you are doing all the work. And since you're better at that than I am, I'm also kind of reticent to jump in and screw up your game.

In any case, I salute you.

But I have been out of the bastion often enough to understand exactly how you feel. Unfortunately, there are such things as private property rights, and the government often hides behind characters like Zuckerberg so they can hide behind those private rights. And we can't even object in good conscience, because whether the government hides behind and abuses private property rights or not, they are something we believe in and have to defend. That makes our movement a sort of a Resistance, and we would do well to look to the Resistance movements of WWII for what guidance they can offer to a different world. They, too, wanted to be where the people were to let them know resistance was not futile. But things would get too hot for them before very long at all.

A good chess master (unlike me) wastes no time at all crying over spilled milk. As soon as his opponent catches on to his line of attack and begins to defend against it, he launches another line of attack from another direction. It's called 'maintaining the initiative'.

So, if Facebook is censoring with too heavy a hand, the thing to do is to point that out, yes, because it helps Facebook develop a much-deserved reputation as 'establishment' and 'not edgy'. But the main thing to do is to figure out where the trendy are going instead--and to go there and help make it a more appealing place than Facebook.

And if you want to coordinate such an effort to replace Facebook, don't do it here. This place is good for some things. And one of them is inviting the Feds to infiltrate a place. So, if you plan to go to xbook and make it trendy, tell us here the wave of the future is ybook. You won't do any harm that way. If there's anyone here who believes everything they read, they'd have to be the government plants.

Christopher A. Brown
03-24-2014, 09:29 PM
Actually I am an Anarchist I don't want government period

Agreed, but with the structures of power and what they have done after infiltrating the government, the constitution of 1787 is a unifying agreement against government doing what the infiltrations of it have done.

I am an anarchist at heart as well. But I know that only when all those of an anarchy know everything there is to know about needs, and do not place wants over needs; will the anarchy be inherently peaceful and free of chaos. It is too idealistic for reality to think that your values and principles will apply to those with far more power than you. If you loose the protections of the constitution that lives in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, NOT ON PAPER, you will be very endangered. We all will. So you don't want it like I don't. We need the constitution to enforce a tolerable government because it is an agreement we have and can unify around. Together we have real power.

and rights are not privileges granted by government or a piece of paper AKA the constitution.

Agreed. The paper only fixes the meanings that good freedom loving people already have in their hearts and minds so that those with the power to coerce people to change their minds, and care not for those meanings, cannot force change upon others effectively. The fixed agreement is a good thing until we become civilized enough to manage anarchy with the personal responsibility required to make it peaceful.

Christopher A. Brown
03-24-2014, 09:48 PM
It is a problem. Actually, it's a battle, and I thank you for fighting it. I get frustrated with that, to the point where I spend too much time here. I tell myself that digestion of the news and helping how to put developments in nutshells, and keeping the cognitive infiltrators from having their own way here in our bulwark, our bastion, is important.

I like your post and sentiments. Perhaps with my post above, and your experience of being labeled not sincere enough to simply state your acceptance of the root definition of the purpose of free speech; which is that it assures information vital to survival is shared and understood; will help you to realize that the thread about the purpose of free speech IS about exposing cognitive infiltration.

Anarchists must operate upon natural law agreements. That is what PunkMaister has stated in different words. I see that you agree. All I've tried to do is take an instinctual natural law agreement, something basically unconscious, and make it conscious in a group so that group can recognize each others sincerity and differentiate themselves from those that would manipulate speech to confuse, distract and divide.

My strategy is absolutely legal and valid. It is very simply laid out here.


Note that NO ONE denies that. The 1787 constitution is very much the minimal agreement that true anarchists can make upon limiting government. Anarchists must agree to enforce natural law. Everything that happened since 1787 which eroded the intent of the 1787 constitution was done by powers that ARE STILL working to install tyranny over us. Unity is vital.

As far as I can see there was a prepared opposition to my thread about the root purpose of free speech. It was and is very important for the infiltration of government, against ANYTHING from the 1787 constitution, to oppose the kind of unity I suggest is needed. As far as I can tell from the post I reply to, you belong on the sincere list.

"Infiltration of social activist groups" is exactly how cass sunstein, corrupt scotus justice terms cognitive infiltration in his book recommending obama's administration invest in it. When you write this.

It is a problem. Actually, it's a battle, and I thank you for fighting it. I get frustrated with that, to the point where I spend too much time here.

You indicate you've been influenced by the infiltrators and sense it, bringing frustration. Thanks for your post.

03-24-2014, 09:54 PM
You indicate you've been influenced by the infiltrators

No, I don't. And while I'll fight to the death for your right to say things I disagree with, I won't let you put words in my mouth.

I'm proud to say that, if anything, they've been influenced by me.

03-24-2014, 10:50 PM
Agreed, but with the structures of power and what they have done after infiltrating the government, the constitution of 1787 is a unifying agreement against government doing what the infiltrations of it have done.Is it? Now do not get me wrong as far as documents acknowledging natural rights the declaration of independence and the bill of rights are without equal but the founding fathers made the mistake of thinking government could be tamed and controlled but it cannot, it always grows in response to the wealth generated by an initially relatively free market and more and more regulatory until tyranny reigns as is the case today. Besides not everyone agrees wit t and should not be forced too either I think local cummunities should be allowed to run themselves as they see fit and not dictated by a central governing authority.

03-24-2014, 11:10 PM
I don't use facebook but Google search results certainly have changed. I've noticed it quite often lately. Phrases I searched for in the past now turn up a bunch of links that pander in favor for the injustice I'm searching for. Tonight it was fusion centers.

Christopher A. Brown
03-25-2014, 12:18 AM
I won't let you put words in my mouth.

Even if they are correct and WILL be the basis of effective defense of the constitution IF it is to be defended?

Christopher A. Brown
03-25-2014, 12:27 AM
I don't use facebook but Google search results certainly have changed

Yep, I've noticed the same thing. I've noticed a google site search will not find my threads at this forum since about 3 days ago.

I've noticed that my phone which has a service using AT&T equipment will no longer operate with any email except gmail. Since Saturday.

AT&T is a major contributor to ALEC who has twice been the target of a petition that I've made which asks them to give their opinion on the concept of preparatory amendment to Article V, which they are promoting. A thread about it.


03-25-2014, 12:29 AM
Even if they are correct and WILL be the basis of effective defense of the constitution IF it is to be defended?

If I find such words, you won't have to put them in my mouth. I will say them myself. Every chance I get.

Christopher A. Brown
03-25-2014, 12:33 AM
If I find such words, you won't have to put them in my mouth. I will say them myself. Every chance I get.

Is that another way to say that free speech DOES NOT have the root purpose of assuring information vital to survival is shared and understood?

03-25-2014, 12:41 AM
Is that another way to say that free speech DOES NOT have the root purpose of assuring information vital to survival is shared and understood?

What does that have to do with an effective defense of the Constitution?

Never mind, you probably think you have an answer to that question, even though I disagree. So, I withdraw the question.

What do the things I say on this site have to do with censorship of social media? And if the answer is, as I suspect, 'Nothing,' then why are we hijacking Mr. Maister's thread?

In any case, I'm not going to jack it any more. Not even to entertain you.

Christopher A. Brown
03-25-2014, 01:11 AM
What does that have to do with an effective defense of the constitution.

The purpose of free speech is pure, and prime, constitutional intent. The reasons the constitution is threatened is because prime intents of the constitution have been thwarted by the infiltration of government. Article V is the highest authority, fully over the congress, the courts and the potus. The first element of intent is needed to properly conduct Article V, free speech.
The first item of preparatory amendment is to end the abridging of free speech,

Here is the effective defense of the constitution spelled out in a fairly involved but simple process.


Here is the same strategy integrated into a political party that COMPLETELY leaves the box of partisan politics.


I apologize for putting you on the spot like this, I can tell you're pissed. To me this is not about winning or losing an argument. It really is about unity.

So with that, I have to state I appreciate your persistence with your beliefs. It has made yet one more way to demonstrate this understanding I've developed. Your resistance to it perhaps epitomizes something that every freedom loving American feels when confronted with the question and list method I've developed to deal with this anonymous medium, that would have never been been addressed without you.

03-25-2014, 01:15 AM
The purpose of free speech is...

...not to allow Christopher A. Brown to jack Meister's excellent thread at will for his own goofy purposes. Which is why you had to edit out of your quote of me the fact that I rather pointedly withdrew that question.

Christopher A. Brown
03-25-2014, 03:48 PM
...not to allow Christopher A. Brown to jack Meister's excellent thread at will for his own goofy purposes. Which is why you had to edit out of your quote of me the fact that I rather pointedly withdrew that question.

PunkMiester can make his own complaints about topic adhesion in his thread. Since his thread is about FB censorship, the free speech discussion is not off topic.

Evasion takes many forms, and I know them all. As I said, the constitution is really the anarchists compromise for unity against government which oversteps natural law boundaries. So it is the best tool by far for that IF we can agree and keep it in control. All I'm doing is standing by a completely out-of-the-box strategy for doing that which is completely valid. It really is the anarchists tool, because it only depends on our human agreement..

Currently, the infiltration is not in control 100% because the 1787 constitution lives in peoples hearts and minds, so despite a fairly massive infiltration at this point, because so many people have that anarchistic love for freedom, we are not completely over run.

I personally cannot even understand facebook. The architecture of it makes no sense whatsoever for activism. Censorship I loath. That FB is doing it, makes me like the concept even less. Hearing they cooperate with the NSA adds to that. I personally would be just fine with dot com taking a second seat to the return of the usenet. Dot com is pure corruption.

This thread,


provides a draft revision of the First Amendment that would put dot com into the second position. Whereupon the usenet would return to first as it was in 1994. PunkMeister probably does not know about the usenet. It still existed after 1995, but people with apple computers had to use special software to use it, which I feel was intentional, along with the PC promoted against legal precedent by the US district court in 1993 by allowing microsoft to steal the apple operating system to make windows.