View Full Version : Rand Paul gets it

William R
03-15-2014, 06:42 PM
In his Breitbart column he did two good things. He reminded his more bellicose fellow presidential competitors that their hero Ronald Reagan was a peacemaker and a negotiator, not a war-maker.

Saying he admired Ronald Reagan because he “was not rash or reckless with regard to war,” Sen. Paul pointed out that my father, who believed in “Peace Through Strength,” was attacked harshly by the hawks in the Republican Party.

He was called an appeaser for meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in Iceland and for pulling American forces out of Lebanon after 241 Marines died in the suicide bombing there in 1983.

In his column Sen. Paul also told conservative Republicans something else they need to remember — something I’ve spent half my life preaching and he has been practicing.

Sen. Paul wrote that he doesn’t claim to be the next Ronald Reagan and will not engage in disparaging his fellow Republicans for “not being sufficiently Reaganesque.”

But, he said, no doubt thinking of Sen. Ted Cruz, “I will remind anyone who thinks we will win elections by trashing previous Republican nominees or holding oneself out as some paragon in the mold of Reagan, that splintering the party is not the route to victory.”


03-16-2014, 12:19 AM
Ronald Reagan's son gets it too.

This x1000

Liberals speak with one voice. Conservatives are a squabbling family of factions — social conservatives, economic conservatives and libertarian conservatives.

But if conservatives of all stripes want the GOP to win in 2016 they have to come together and pick their best candidate early, then let the party moderates fight among themselves and split their votes.

That’s what happened in 1980. My father was the only conservative in the primary and he got to watch as the George H.W. Bush moderates and Rockefeller Republicans beat each other up and split their votes.

That’s the way it should work in 2016 — after the GOP takes the Senate.

William R
03-16-2014, 09:02 AM
I sent this to Drudge last night and he hasn't linked to it yet. Send this article. It needs to go viral ASAP

03-16-2014, 01:14 PM
Also, Tweet link to @allahpundit and other conservative/tea-party bloggers

William R
03-16-2014, 03:37 PM
Someone should post this at Free Republic. I've been banned

03-16-2014, 03:40 PM
Yeah, no one is reporting this. :mad:
And if that's not enough, I actually saw that idiot Stephen Hayes on FOXnews, Friday evening - saying that Ted Cruz won his argument with Rand Paul over foreign policy! Unbelievable! This was over a day after Michael Reagan had already tweeted his "Rand Paul gets it" comment in reference to his "Stop Warping Reagan's Foreign Policy" op-ed!

http://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/styles/multimedia-listing/public/multimedia/2014/cato-fox-2-17-14.jpg <Ass

William R
03-16-2014, 06:14 PM
Stephen Hayes one of the worst Neocons.