View Full Version : Need help with a Google AdWords campaign for Greg.

William Tell
03-13-2014, 10:43 PM
Okay guys, I am not a technical man, so I need your help. I was having on the net about Greg Brannon. And a guy said he would like to make some independent google ads for Greg.

Below I have copied what he said, advice for me on what I should suggest to him would be great. Any good, kinda short videos campaign videos would also be nice. Please help! :o

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"Any ad campaign needs three things:
1) a landing page- this is where a person goes when an ad is clicked. It can be a YouTube video or an issues page or whatever. But to be successful it needs to be compelling.
2) ad text - this is a headline and two description lines. It should compel a person to want to click on the ad. Take a look at my TMOT ads to get an idea


3) keywords- these are words or phrases that, when searched in google, may trigger an ad to be shown

What page(s) do you think are the best at showcasing Brannon and his positions? If you could tell every voter to look at a page before voting, what page would it be?
What ad text would do the best job in promoting Brannon? What distinguishes him from the pack?
When someone searches google, what search keywords would you want to trigger an ad?
Give me some ideas on the above, and by this time tomorrow we'll have ads running :)"

03-14-2014, 02:10 AM
Ultimately you want the voter to land on the candidate's page, because that allows the campaign the best chance of capturing the information as well as the donation.

I've never done anything at all with Google adwords, so this is all speculation...but I would guess words like election, Hagen, Tea Party, North Carolina, combined with Obamacare, health care, gun control...

Take a look at his official web age and see what issue he emphasizes.

03-14-2014, 02:25 AM
You need a budget before you do any of those things. That will determine what keywords you can target.

William Tell
03-14-2014, 10:20 AM
Alright guys, thanks so much for the help. :D
If anyone else has thoughts, chime in!