View Full Version : Fred Thomps Partisan "Seekster" ask RP ? on CNN/YouTube Debate

11-30-2007, 12:56 PM
When I saw the YouTube question from "Seekster" on the recent CNN/YouTube Debate I could not believe my eyes. You see I have had my exchanges in the past with "Seekster" and I know he hates Ron Paul and all of his supporters. Seekster is also known to me and others on YouTube as a fanatic Fred Thompson Supporter, easy to spot since their are so few.

Why is known anit-Ron Paul, Fred Thompson partisan like Seekster being featured at this debate?

Who put him up to this? Who is behind this? Certainly YouTube is aware that Seekster is a partisan and not an undecided voter looking for answers. Did CNN know this also?

Perhaps some RP supporters should ask around and see if any answers are forth coming.

While "Seekster" has sanitized his channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Seekster of pro Fred Thompson videos and comments in an attempt to defraud America you can view his comment at the links below.

Seeksters YouTube debate question for Ron Paul: http://mx.youtube.com/user/Seekster



Qoute by Seekster on above video.
“Vote Fred Thompson 2008 and 2012!!!”


Qoute by Seekster on above video.

“Im pretty much putting it on my calendar. The day after the Iowa Caucus youtube is going to crash after all 5000 Paulites go into shock after getting their first taste of reality.

I dont know who its going to be. Id like it to be Fred but its looks like its going to be Rudy. Huckabee also has a decent shot in Iowa but Ron Paul is ranked 5th. At least he is beating out Tancredo right?

I look forward to January, when all the Paulities FINALLY shut up.”






11-30-2007, 01:01 PM
I look forward to January, when all the Paulities FINALLY shut up.”

I look forward to sometime around March when all the "FredHeads" shut up when finally Thompson drops-out after running a dull, declining campaign that leads the polls in zero states....aside from Tennessee of course.

Paul can run third party if he doesn't win the nomination and he'll hear about Paul for...oh, say around four years.

11-30-2007, 01:07 PM
4 years???


11-30-2007, 01:13 PM
I look forward to sometime around March when all the "FredHeads" shut up when finally Thompson drops-out after running a dull, declining campaign that leads the polls in zero states....aside from Tennessee of course.

Watch it buster!! We don't even like Fred HERE! :D

11-30-2007, 01:27 PM
To above commentors:

You may want to re-read my post.

I am not "Seekster."

"Seekster" is the YouTube screen name for the guy who asked Ron Paul a video question at the CNN/YouTube Debate Wednesday night.

11-30-2007, 01:34 PM
I think (and maybe I'm a minority) that we shouldn't be afraid to answer questions from people who support other candidates.

I do think that CNN apparently doesn't do a very good job vetting their "undecided" voters. But that didn't surprise me. I cannot stand that channel. It might as well be called "The Hillary Channel" as far as I can tell.

11-30-2007, 01:38 PM
I dont know how you could deny this, its not like its a secret, and this guy if from Texas?

Oh right, he's in mom's basement, must be a Rudy supporter.



pretty clear to me.

11-30-2007, 01:38 PM
We have some supporters in Arlington, I'll meet him where ever he wants and we can "discuss" the NAU if he likes.

11-30-2007, 01:50 PM
Remember that CNN also fed a few grenades to Rudy and Romney, among some other small shots off the bow to a few of the others.

Maybe if it was democratic propaganda at the Republican debate, I'd be on the fence, but given that this is a different Republican camp, I think this is a valid question. Its also one that is on some people's minds, and one that normally would not get asked. I think that makes it a good question for YouTube. Also I thought RP answered this really well, given that it is a hard question.

So yeah, its not the nicest thing ever, but neither is the general election. I thought this went well enough while addressing the "he's a crazy" mentality.