View Full Version : Bill of Rights 2.0: Protecting Individual Liberty & Preventing the Economic Collapse

Gumba of Liberty
03-06-2014, 06:55 PM
If Jefferson were to return from the dead and see the current state of the Union what would he say? What would he do? How would he change the government to prevent this?

These were some of the questions I presented to my honors US History Students. This is what the "liberty-loving" faction of the class came up with. (With a little bit of help from their teacher ;))

[Full Disclosure: This was posted a few weeks ago in a different form but the ideas within this "Bill of Revolution", as they dubbed it, did not receive the attention they deserves]

Congress of the United States
begun and held at the District of Washington, on
Friday the fourth of July, two thousand and fourteen.

For the Reestablishment of a Federal Constitutional Republic with the goal of reminding an unwieldy political class of the Natural Rights of the Individual and the contractual obligations they have as servants and never masters of the free, sovereign peoples of the United States of America.

RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution.

ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.

ARTICLE XXVIII: Victimless Crime Amendment – For the purpose of establishing the difference between non-consensual, violent aggression against a victim or victims and non-compliance with federal, state, and local regulation against the government.

A crime is defined as a non-consensual violation of Natural Rights or the use of aggression against a victim or victims. Crime is subject to arrest, detention and imprisonment by deputies of the State.

A violation of non-compliance is defined as refusing to submit to government authority when no victim exists. A violation of non-compliance, or victimless crime, is punishable by fines, local community service or denial of government services and licenses but is not subject to arrest, detention or imprisonment by local, state, or federal agencies and non-compliance charges and convictions shall not be included in background or criminal history reports.

All convicted violators of non-compliance currently detained shall be released effective immediately.

ARTICLE XXIX: Personhood Amendment – For the purpose of establishing a person as a living, breathing human being with full and equal Natural Rights.

All federal, state and local governments are prohibited from collecting or establishing information about a person’s race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or political affiliations.

Only individuals shall be considered persons with all Natural Rights reserved. Including among these Rights is the Right to voluntarily unionize or incorporate with others to secure protection and pursue happiness. Any license or mandate by the State that prevents voluntary unionization is null and void. This shall include Marriage Licenses.

Corporations, like individuals, shall maintain full-liability in all transactions and activities. Corporations shall be treated as a collection of individuals sharing both profit and risk and therefore shall not receive special privileges, including but not limited to: limited liability, subsidies, no-bid contracts, and tax deductions.

ARTICLE XXX: Currency Freedom Amendment – For the purpose of establishing monetary freedom by respecting the Natural Right of Americans to conduct transactions and establish contracts with any medium of exchange of their choosing.

All federal, state and local legal tender laws shall be null and void.

All capital gains, excise, duties and sales taxes on gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, diamonds, rubies, tobacco, cannabis, hemp, coal, rice, wheat, corn, oil, and cotton shall be null and void.

All prohibitions on the establishment of private mints and the coinage and warehousing of money and currency shall be null and void.

All commodity and commodity-backed currencies must adhere to a full-reserve system of banking with a one hundred percent reserve requirement.

ARTICLE XXXI: Juror Rights Amendment – For the purpose of establishing each case in the United States, regardless of felony or misdemeanor, as subject to a jury trial and the Right of the juror to judge with their conscience, by deliberating on both the facts of the case and the law in question, and the duty of the court to inform jurors of this Right.

To reinforce the guarantees of the Fifth Amendment, all trials within the United States of America or held by the federal, state, or local governments shall be a jury trial.

The Right of the Jury to nullify unconstitutional federal, state, and local laws shall be declared at every trial for every violation of any civil and criminal code violation within the United States of America.

ARTICLE XXXII: Land Sovereignty Amendment – For the purpose of establishing land ownership and private property as outside the regulation, control and manipulation of any and all political classes within the borders of the United States of America.

Private ownership of land shall be defined as the control and use of air, soil, water, and sound waves within a certain geographic boundary by an individual or group of individuals who made improvements to said land. Any invasion or pollution by air, soil, water, or sound waves shall be a criminal offense subject to owner compensation.

Land proprietors shall have full ownership of any cultivated land and all property taxes and regulations on such property shall be null and void. Any federal, state and local regulations shall only apply to publicly held lands. Federal, state and local law-enforcement shall only enforce Natural Law against victims on such property and shall leave all regulatory decisions and prohibitions to the proprietor of the land.

ARTICLE XXXIII: Homestead Amendment – For the purpose of opening vacant federal lands to individuals seeking property ownership through a demonstration of improvement and cultivation.

Anyone 21 years and older or the head of household may file an application for a federal land grant. The size of the land grant varies from five acre, ten acre, and twenty-five acre lots. The resident of the property must cultivate and improve the land over a five-year period to claim full ownership of the property. Land grants limited to one application per citizen.

Any National Parks or National Preserves shall be sold to state governments, local governments, or individuals at auction.
Any vacant land currently owned by private landowners with a documented history of neglect over a five-year-period shall be open for settlement by anyone twenty-one years and older or the head of household. After five years of neglect a claim must be filed. Once a claim has been filed, settlers may establish ownership for lands that are cultivated and improved over five additional years.

ARTICLE XXXIV: Income Sovereignty Amendment – For the purpose of establishing income as one half of one mutually-beneficial exchange of goods for service between two or more parties subject to no federal, state or local taxation or regulation.

The Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution shall be null and void.

All federal, state and local income and payroll taxes shall be null and void.

The Alternative Minimum Tax shall be null and void.

Individuals and businesses have the Right to protect their income records and are not required to disclose such information without a warrant supported by Oath or affirmation.

All federal, state and local minimum wage laws shall be null and void.

Any individuals may decline to participate in any of the following programs: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act.

All future payments into the following programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, shall be directed to segregated accounts managed individually by each participating citizens.

Individuals currently receiving or having previously received entitlements will be guaranteed those benefits in Federal Reserve Notes. Federal Reserve Notes shall be adjusted for inflation.

ARTICLE XXXV: Freedom of Association Amendment – For the purpose of establishing each individual as the sole source of political authority and each level of government as an agent of and servant to the will of the individual.

The individual shall be defined as the sole source of political authority. The individual retains the power to withdraw from any political entity or organization for any reason, at any time.

The neighborhood shall be defined as the agent of the individual. Landowners with adjacent property shall establish sovereign neighborhoods. Each neighborhood may form, maintain and control a militia. The individual reserves the Right to declare independence from the neighborhood.

The township shall be defined as the agent of the neighborhood. Neighborhoods with adjacent property shall establish sovereign townships. The township executive may call forward the neighborhood militia to repeal invasion and insurrection. The neighborhood reserves the Right to declare independence from the township.

The shire, county or parish shall be defined as the agent of the township. Townships with adjacent property shall establish sovereign shires. The shire executive may call forward the independent militias of the townships to repeal invasion and insurrection. The township preserves the Right to declare independence from the shire.

The state shall be defined as the agent of the shire. The state executive may call forward the independent militias of the shires to repeal invasion and insurrection. Shires with adjacent property shall establish sovereign states. The shire preserves the Right to declare independence from the state.

The central or federal government shall be defined as the agent of the state. The federal executive may call forward the independent militias of the states to repeal invasion and insurrection. The state preserves the Right to declare independence from the central government.

ARTICLE XXXVI: Federalism Restoration Amendment – For the purpose of restoring the States to a position of power within the Federal Government by establishing Senators as ambassadors of the Governor of each sovereign State.

The Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution shall be null and void.

Senators shall be representatives of the state government and shall be chosen by the Governor of each state for a term of the Governors choosing. Senators shall be subject to recall at will.

ARTICLE XXXVII: Live Within Limits Amendment – For the purpose of removing the power to establish credit from the enumerated powers of the federal government.

As of Friday the fourth of July, two thousand and fourteen, Congress and the Treasury Department shall have the power to sell Treasury Bills and any other interest-bearing debt instrument revoked.

Congress shall continue to pay all debts before Friday, the fourth of July, two thousand and fourteen owed to foreign creditors.

Congress shall default on all debts owed to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Congress shall perform a full and complete audit of the Federal Reserve System.

ARTICLE XXXVIII: Regulatory Sunset Amendment – For the purpose of establishing regulatory agencies as beneath the powers of Congress and prescribing the review of federal regulations every five years.

Each regulation legislated by an executive agency shall sunset after five years and one day. The Senate shall review and take a two/thirds vote to maintain said regulation.

ARTICLE XXXIX: National Repeal Amendment – For the purpose of establishing the Right of the American People to repeal any Federal Legislation through the process of referendum.

Any piece of Federal Legislation is subject to referendum should one million citizens sign a petition of repeal.

Once one million have signed the petition, the legislation or executive order in question shall be placed on the next election ballot. If the legislation in question is voted against the law in question shall be null and void effective immediately.

ARTICLE XL: Indentured Servitude Abolition Amendment – For the purpose of preventing any level of government from recognizing contracts and debts that strip individuals of bankruptcy protections within the borders of the United States of America.

All debts held by individuals who reside within the United States of America shall be subject to uniform bankruptcy laws. There shall be no exceptions.

ARTICLE XLI: Ellis Island Immigration Amendment – For the purpose of simplifying immigration code and establishing ports of entry for aliens attempting to migrate to the United States of America.

All current laws for immigration and naturalization shall be null and void.

A port of entry shall be defined as an immigration-processing center along the border of the United States of America. Ellis and Angel Islands will reopen as ports of entry for immigration. Seven additional ports of entry shall open.

Within a port of entry, immigrants shall undergo mental and physical screening, a background check for violent crime and demonstrate their knowledge of Natural Rights. Those who do not qualify shall face deportation but may return if and when they are fit for entry.

Ports of Entry shall be opened at the following locations:

New York City, NY
Key West, FL
New Orleans, LA
El Paso, TX
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA
Duluth, MN
Buffalo, NY

And you thought all public school teachers were statists :D

03-06-2014, 09:38 PM
I like!! Im going to incorporate some of these into my Libertarian constitution if you dont mind?