View Full Version : Bydlak's urgency, possible reasons for it

11-30-2007, 03:24 AM
Just speculating about Jonathan Bydlak's sense of urgency in one of the emails, and the two emails we got in the last four days. What could be the motivation for this?

In January, while the whole primary season is under way, the MSM would still be able to say that Paul's support is strictly internet based. A report would go something like this:

"Ron Paul's internet base was savvy enough to raise $15 million, however, $12 million was raised on just two days whereas the other 88 days raised only $3 million." Wrong, but very effective. With more steady donations across the duration of the quarter, it's not so easy to say his support exists only on the internet.

Another explanation could be this: if people are purchasing items from the store that cost the campaign, even though they have $10 million raised, maybe a small portion of that is spendable.

Or, my personal view, Bydlak felt like squeezing a couple dollars out of us so we don't waste time waiting for the 16th. Even if they have more money than they know how to spend, as RP has said on national tv more than once, they want to keep it coming in as fast as possible.

Either way, we're looking at a phenomenal quarter!

11-30-2007, 03:46 AM
He already answered your question. They want to get to get to milestones (see most recent e-mail) ASAP so they can get out press releases and keep Ron Paul in the media.

11-30-2007, 08:45 AM
He already answered your question. They want to get to get to milestones (see most recent e-mail) ASAP so they can get out press releases and keep Ron Paul in the media.

That makes absolutely no sense at all. What is media-worthy about comparing our fundraising numbers for THIS quarter with other candidates numbers for LAST quarter? See the problem? For it to have any relevance whatsoever, we would have to be making comparisons for the same quarter and we are not.

Bydlak is the director of fundraising. As such, he is uncomfortable with money bombs. He prefers the slow trickle to a big bang. Understandable, but what he seems to not understand is that huge fundraising events, if promoted right, will attract a substantial number of people to the cause that would not have otherwise donated. Bottom line... every email he sends out to derail The Tea Party is costing the campaign in terms of net money raised for the quarter.

If you will recall, he tried to do the very same thing before the 11/5 fundraiser. Look back and you will see.

11-30-2007, 09:00 AM
That makes absolutely no sense at all. What is media-worthy about comparing our fundraising numbers for THIS quarter with other candidates numbers for LAST quarter? See the problem? For it to have any relevance whatsoever, we would have to be making comparisons for the same quarter and we are not.

Bydlak is the director of fundraising. As such, he is uncomfortable with money bombs. He prefers the slow trickle to a big bang. Understandable, but what he seems to not understand is that huge fundraising events, if promoted right, will attract a substantial number of people to the cause that would not have otherwise donated. Bottom line... every email he sends out to derail The Tea Party is costing the campaign in terms of net money raised for the quarter.

If you will recall, he tried to do the very same thing before the 11/5 fundraiser. Look back and you will see.

Wrong there were no fundraising emails for at least a week before the 5th. I just went back and confirmed through my email account.
Secondly... The above poster is completely correct. It IS news for a supposedly bottom tier candidate to raise more money in two months this quarter than the 'frontrunners' raised in all 3 months last quarter. That NEVER happens. And it is indeed a huge sign of where the momentum and support is. Also makes sense why all the recent fundraising letters have been coming out. Campaign wants to keep RP in the news and this is a great way to do so.

11-30-2007, 09:45 AM
I got a fundraising email on Oct 29. They were asking for money.

11-30-2007, 09:56 AM
Bydlak's an impressive guy, for a 24 y.o.

His emails however, lack maturity.


11-30-2007, 10:30 AM
Just speculating about Jonathan Bydlak's sense of urgency in one of the emails, and the two emails we got in the last four days. What could be the motivation for this?

I suspect that they are going through a dose of reality, right now. When they went into this quarter, with a goal of $12M, they clearly didn't expect to SPEND it in this quarter. So they had certain expectations about what states they would have been able to target, with the sort of dollars they would have expected to actually have by then. PLUS, I think they probably didn't expect for us to meet their $12M target. So they were probably expecting to have hit, say, $5-6M by now, at best. BUT, with us blowing them away with the fundraising results that we are able to deliver, I think they are furiously now doing some math, and deciding that, hey, with all this extra money that they've got, let's tack on some extra states, that we wouldn't otherwise have been able to spend anything on.

I suspect that they are pretty excited by that proposition, internally. It means that the good Doctor is a real player, and that may be finally sinking home to them. If Jonathon says that they need money now, it may well be because they are actually setting much more ambitious plans with what to do with the money. I say we should run with it, and provide him the support he needs. Bear in mind that Jonathon - though on the revenue side, as fundraiser - has access to data on the expenditure side of the equation, too, which we simply don't have.

Personally, I'd like to see them open up the expenditure side for us to look at, as well. Who knows, grassroots could handle that, as well. We seem to be doing a pretty good job with independent expenditures, thus far.

Decentralize the whole campaign. Or as much of it as possible. That seems in line with what the good Doc is promoting, anyway. It'd be a bold move, though. They may not trust us enough to risk it.

12-02-2007, 04:34 AM
That makes absolutely no sense at all. What is media-worthy about comparing our fundraising numbers for THIS quarter with other candidates numbers for LAST quarter? See the problem? For it to have any relevance whatsoever, we would have to be making comparisons for the same quarter and we are not.

It's a good measuring tool. Most candidates go down each Quarter in Fundraising. So for us to be going up shows us something. Do you get the feeling that Giuliani, McCain, Romney, or Thompson are gaining steam at this point?

12-02-2007, 05:36 AM
Wrong there were no fundraising emails for at least a week before the 5th. I just went back and confirmed through my email account.

I did not say it was a week before. However, he did send an email out. I remember clearly us all arguing about whether we should pay attention to it. In fact, I was one who believed him back then and argued for doing what he said in his email.

Campaign wants to keep RP in the news and this is a great way to do so.

There are all kinds of ways to do that. The first thing that comes to mind is to hold a frickin' PRESS CONFERENCE with Paul and Goldwater, Jr., so someone knows that Goldwater endorsed him besides a few of the Ron Paul faithful. I have not seen one mention of this endorsement anywhere on the MSM. Have you? So, hardly anyone knows of the single most important endorsement we have gotten to date!

12-02-2007, 05:52 AM
He screwed up big time, fire him.

12-02-2007, 07:18 AM
personally, i would have thought the first, most recent fundraising letter would have done him in and am somewhat surprised that it didn't.

that being said, it is what it is, and let's make the best of it from this point forward!

12-02-2007, 07:56 AM
Greetings All,

He screwed up big time, fire him.

I still don't understand what's wrong with a campaign asking for donations WHENEVER they need them. The fundraising emails reach many more people that who read these forums. We are supposed to be INDEPENDENT of the campaign and not taking our cues from them. I am amazed at and excited by the spontaneous nature of the thousands of projects organized by hundreds of meetup groups and online groups. But to say a fundraiser needs to be fired for asking for donations that MAY conflict with an independent fundraising effort is a bit extreme.

What should he email, "Please don't send us any money until December 16th"? That would make it sound like the campaign is directing the money bombs and defeat the purpose of them being grassroots.

Just my opinion, but the only bad donation is no donation at all.

William C Colley

12-02-2007, 08:24 AM
Decentralize the whole campaign. Or as much of it as possible. That seems in line with what the good Doc is promoting, anyway. It'd be a bold move, though. They may not trust us enough to risk it.

The problem with doing this, and i am not pointing fingers at anyone here, is that when the average person sees the numbers, and can see "hey, he has raised 10 1/2 million this quarter, came into the quarter with 5.3 million, and has only spent 6 million, that means he still has almost 10 million....I DONT NEED TO DONATE!"

Now i know that most of us understand that money in the bank can go fast, VERY FAST! but there are MANY people who do not understand this. And if the campaign deters even 1 person from donating, then they are not doing their job. opening up the expenditures could deter hundred, if not thousands, by allowing them to see how much the campaign has in the bank. 10 million is not enough money at all for advertising, but the average person, 10 million dollars is MASSIVE amount.

12-02-2007, 08:42 AM
The problem with doing this, and i am not pointing fingers at anyone here, is that when the average person sees the numbers, and can see "hey, he has raised 10 1/2 million this quarter, came into the quarter with 5.3 million, and has only spent 6 million, that means he still has almost 10 million....I DONT NEED TO DONATE!"

I see your point but having the live fundraising count has also helped fire the grassroots to raise so much money. The media can see the fundraising any time like anyone else and so I think the live fundraising count is a big net plus and Byd's remarks are harmless.

RP has already raised more in two months than the other candidates did in Q3. Other campaigns are looking pretty broke except Giuliani and Romney. Huckabee and Fred will have the funds for at least a media presence if not a media blitz in the early states. We have, in fact, already provided the money needed to run in the early states. And, despite knowing this, we continue to raise more money and plan for the Teaparty which will provide most of the needed funds to run in SC and later primaries through Feb 5.

Seems to me that the fundraising is going well, far better than anyone anticipated. The other candidates only wish they could match us. These little quibbles with the campaign aren't that meaningful outside our noisy grassroots.

12-02-2007, 09:57 AM
I personally think that Bydlak is doing a hell of a job. I'm sure the emails he sends out go to far more people than those who visit this board and possibly to many more who are not aware of the Monrybomb idea. His job is to get in as much money as possible at any given moment, and I think he does a superb job. He sends an email out and the campaign gets $250,000. That is effective.

Although it is us that donate the money and organize a lot of donation days, He is the fundraising director and will get credit for taking an "obscure kook" of a candidate who didnt have a snowballs chance of even staying in the race, to haveing a record breaking candidate who may very well change American Politics forever.

After this even if Paul doesn't win, Bydlak will receive countless job offers to be fundraising director, and will probably make a fortune by writing a book about this experience. He will certainly be making more than $1,884 every two weeks. I think for his results he is significantly underpaid by the campaign and undervalued by the grassroots.

I love the idea of the moneybombs I think November 5th was excellent, I donated, and I think that the TeaPary is important and will be spectacular.

Thank you Jonathan for all our hard work and dedication.

12-04-2007, 01:20 PM
I personally think that Bydlak is doing a hell of a job. I'm sure the emails he sends out go to far more people than those who visit this board and possibly to many more who are not aware of the Monrybomb idea. His job is to get in as much money as possible at any given moment, and I think he does a superb job. He sends an email out and the campaign gets $250,000. That is effective.

Although it is us that donate the money and organize a lot of donation days, He is the fundraising director and will get credit for taking an "obscure kook" of a candidate who didnt have a snowballs chance of even staying in the race, to haveing a record breaking candidate who may very well change American Politics forever.

After this even if Paul doesn't win, Bydlak will receive countless job offers to be fundraising director, and will probably make a fortune by writing a book about this experience. He will certainly be making more than $1,884 every two weeks. I think for his results he is significantly underpaid by the campaign and undervalued by the grassroots.

I love the idea of the moneybombs I think November 5th was excellent, I donated, and I think that the TeaPary is important and will be spectacular.

Thank you Jonathan for all our hard work and dedication.

I'd say Bydlak is doing a "good" job, overall.

I didn't realize he was just 24. They don't teach how to operate a national Presidential campaign in school. They may cover a degree of Theory, but nothing is like experience of Doing. For a guy just 2 yrs outta school, it's impressive.

And he probably will receive a fair amount of credit for the campaign's fundraising success. Althouh Trevor Lyman really deserves the credit there. He picked up the idea and ran with it. The results speak for themselves. And when you think about it, Trevor's 3 money bombs will actually be more money in 3 one-day events than the campaign has raised all-together from every other source since Day-1.

The first 3 quarters totaled $8.3 million. And subtracting the $4.9 million resulting from the 2 Trevor bombs so far from the current $10.6 million, that's another $5.7 million. Equally a total of $14 million in non-Trevor bomb money. IF he/we pull off a $10 million TeaParty... that's $14.9 million in 3 one day events. In 3 consecutive months. And during the Holiday Season, no less.

Of course, the other thing to remember about all this is that it's been a "Perfect Storm" scenario for the fundraising. The Man who is the Face in front of the Ideals is what sparked this Viral reaction. NO other candidate could pull this off, because NO other candidate inspires people like Paul's honesty and dedication.