View Full Version : Kelly Ayotte: Pass Amnesty Bill I still haven't read

02-09-2014, 08:43 PM
Immigration reform has stalled in the House because of a significant "trust deficit" between congressional Republicans and President Barack Obama, Sen. Kelly Ayotte said Sunday.
"There is a real trust deficit right now that I think the speaker is facing," she said when asked on CBS's "Face the Nation" by host Bob Schieffer why House Speaker John Boehner recent doubts that immigration reform wouldn't get done this year. Ayotte mentioned the president's executive actions as the main reason for the GOP's apprehension.
In terms of political repercussions, the New Hampshire Republican said the party shares many values with Hispanic voters and expressed a hope that Boehner could find a way forward for immigration reform to advance.


I bet she hasn't read the amnesty bill. Too busy pushing for Syria intervention. She's up there with McCain and Jeff Flake as being the most disapproved Senator.
