View Full Version : Scarlett Johansson steps down as Oxfam ambassador after superbowl ad controversy

01-30-2014, 12:26 PM
She probably got wind that Oxfam was ready to cut her loose.

Scarlett Johansson steps down as Oxfam ambassador

Published January 30, 2014FoxNews.com

Scarlett Johansson is ending her relationship with a humanitarian group after being criticized over her support for an Israeli company that operates in the West Bank. A statement released by Johansson's spokesman Wednesday said the 29-year-old actress has "a fundamental difference of opinion" with Oxfam International because the humanitarian group opposes all trade from Israeli settlements, saying they are illegal and deny Palestinian rights.



Social media pillory Obama apologist (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?441832-Social-media-pillory-notorious-Obama-apologist&)
One more hollywood "liberal" falls from grace

Even Star Johansson Can't Help SodaStream as Stock Sinks 26% (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-14/even-star-johansson-can-t-help-sodastream-as-stock-sinks-26-1-.html)

Israeli contractor plans Jewish-only residential project in Jaffa
Supreme Court okays Jewish-only buildings in Jaffa

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJqbAa3mug1Iycgmxah-Xx2FoN-Nn1PiE0TIV3WohZ1MJlTapI (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=4U4_hfZXOMYRWM&tbnid=reWDH-y8SmiJLM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwhyihateisrael2.blogspot.com%2F20 12_06_01_archive.html&ei=5IToUrqFLdL6kQfSl4DYBw&bvm=bv.60157871,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNG7d9AB5z-1AmUN4LwlJLXNT38_Ag&ust=1391055822860485)
A Palestinian woman, every day reality in the West Bank, being harrassed, humiliated by jewish settlers…

Gropefest: Palestinians & Americans Coming Closer.. Day By Day (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?435179-Does-majority-of-Americans-support-or-oppose-Freedom-for-Palestinians&p=5336316&viewfull=1#post5336316)

01-30-2014, 12:36 PM
Good for her.

01-30-2014, 12:41 PM
Good for her.

Could be good for SWC drone king too by extension since she is his huge supporter/enabler.

SCAR-JO AND OBAMA ARE PENPALS……HOW ELITIST (https://chicagoagainstobama.wordpress.com/2008/06/10/scar-jo-and-obama-are-penpalshow-elitist/) https://chicagoagainstobama.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/scarjo2.jpg?w=450 (http://chicagoagainstobama.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/scarjo2.jpg)
It looks like Scarlett Johansson (one of the most over-rated…..and snobby….. actresses in hollywood), and Barry are email buddies.

02-01-2014, 01:44 PM
‘FT’ blast on settlement will strike fear in Israel (if not among liberal Zionists and ‘glitzy blonde’)

James North and Phil Weiss on February 1, 2014 1 (http://mondoweiss.net/2014/02/settlement-liberal-zionists.html#comments)
Lost in Translation (graphic: Stephanie Westbrook)

An editorial in this weekend’s Financial Times, t (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/130125a6-8a79-11e3-ba54-00144feab7de.html#axzz2s62CH8VW)he salmon-colored tribune of London’s City, the financial district, is certainly striking terror into Hasbara Central in Israel– if not at the State Department in Washington. In forceful language that looks like it could have been lifted from a Palestine solidarity publication, the FT says that Scarlett Johansson has “accidentally turned a searchlight on an important issue–whether it is right or lawful to do business with companies that operate in illegal Israel settlements on Palestinian land…”
We cannot describe the issue any more clearly than the anonymous FT leader-writer has already done:
Ms Johansson says the company [SodaStream] is “building a bridge to peace between Israel and Palestine”. That is naive…

And at a time when Peace Now, J Street, the Forward, Rabbi Andy Bachman, and other liberal Zionists in the US have only praise for Johansson and her settlement of choice, Ma’ale Adumim, the sprawling development on a hill east of Jerusalem that blocks Palestinian access to the city, the FT doesn’t suffer fools:
The status of the settlements is clear in international law even if Israel chooses to ignore this and expand its colonisation of Palestinian land, while ostensibly negotiating on the creation of a Palestinian state…

The FT then refers to the EU policy of restricting funds so they don’t go to settlements.
That is not a boycott. It is the application of the law. Yet if Israel maintains its occupation, and spurns the peace terms being negotiated by US secretary of state John Kerry, such distinctions will erode. European pension funds are already starting to pull their investments in Israeli banks with branches in the settlements…

Compare the prevarications of the State Department spokesperson who says the SodaStream boycott is illegitimate and so are the settlements (http://mondoweiss.net/2014/01/legitimateillegitimate-settlements-legitimate.html) to the FT’s bright line.

The paper doesn’t mince any words in ending its editorial, language we wish we would read in the New York Times:
It is disingenuous to romanticise settlement enterprises. The occupation imprisons thousands of the Palestinians’ young men, gives their land and water to settlers, demolishes their houses and partitions the remaining territory with scores of checkpoints and segregated roads. There are almost no basic foundations for an economy. The way to create Palestinian jobs is to end the occupation and let Palestinians build those foundations – not to build “bridges to peace” on other people’s land without their permission.

Astonishing. And important. Coming here before long, we hope.

The editorial is accompanied by a piece of analysis of Johansson’s achievement in doing the SodaStream Super Bowl ad. Peter Aspden and Reid write (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/110a24be-8902-11e3-bb5f-00144feab7de.html#axzz2s62CH8VW):
[T]his is the age of social media, in which reputations can be trashed within minutes. The anti-Johansson lobby gleefully pounced on a line from the SodaStream ad – “If only I could make this message go viral!” says the actress huskily – and has duly granted her wish (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/688f4b34-882a-11e3-a926-00144feab7de.html) with a plethora of doctored images and online slogans (“Set the bubbles free, not the Palestinians!”).
Perhaps the biggest disappointment for fans of Ms Johansson’s acting talents is the sheer banality of the ad. The star’s stiff and cliched turn is strangely reminiscent of Bill Murray’s performance-within-a-performance in her breakthrough film of 11 years ago. The cool indie beauty of that time has turned disappointingly corporate. Something appears to have been lost in translation all right.

As for the anti-Israeli lobby, it is discovering to its pleasant surprise that a sprinkle of stardust can grant instant worldwide access to a long-fought and infernally complicated campaign…
It is hard to believe that such portentous issues should suddenly become the focus of the world’s attention thanks to a glitzy blonde pushing a fizzy drink. But this is a multi-layered world. Celebrities on the make think twice – that brand “ambassadorship” you are after may turn out to be a more complicated job than you have ever imagined.



AP Questions State Dept after SOTU Speech

Lee: Well, okay, fair enough. But I guess what I don’t understand is why you believe that a boycott of something – of products made in settlements would be de-legitimizing of Israel when, in fact, they’re being made in settlements which are contested areas that you believe the occupation of which is illegitimate.

MS. HARF: Okay, right. I’m sorry… I don’t want to get tied up in the words here.


02-28-2015, 12:00 AM
Disgraced ddg's "email girlfriend" not getting it done for occupation friendly sodastream.

SodaStream shares tumble on quarterly loss Feb. 26, 2015 | 3:38 AM

http://www.haaretz.com/polopoly_fs/1.583571.1404412757%21/image/2224224314.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_640/2224224314.jpg Scarlett Johansson in ad for SodaStream. Photo by Courtesy of SodaStream


SodaStream shares tumble on quarterly loss
Shares of SodaStream tumbled yesterday after the maker of home carbonated-beverage machines reported a loss for the fourth quarter of 2014 amid a sharp decline in revenue. The company, which has been buffeted by changing consumer tastes, reported a fourth-quarter loss of $8.2 million due to the cost of restructuring to redirect its business. Discounting the restructuring costs, earnings came to 35 cents a share, exceeding the 20-cent average estimate of analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research. But revenue plunged 25% to $126.5 million, missing Wall Street forecasts of $133.6 million.



Shoppers Use App To Boycott Israel In Grocery Store Aisles (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?457396-Shoppers-Use-App-To-Boycott-Israel-In-Grocery-Store-Aisles&)

http://blogs-images.forbes.com/clareoconnor/files/2014/08/sabra-e1407345005969.jpg When young California-based developer Ivan Pardo launched smartphone app Buycott last year (http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2013/05/14/new-app-lets-you-boycott-koch-brothers-monsanto-and-more-by-scanning-your-shopping-cart/), users at first seized upon its technology to avoid putting coins in the coffers of the conservative billionaire Koch brothers.

Other popular user-generated Buycott campaigns at the time of its launch included Demand GMO Labeling, allowing shoppers to scan a box of cereal and instantly see if it was made by one of 36 corporations that donated more than $150,000 to oppose the mandatory labeling of genetically modified food.

Other Israeli companies in this campaign’s database of scannable barcodes include SodaStream, the home soda maker which allows you to turn tap water into cola. SodaStream has long faced criticism for operating out of Ma’aleh Adumim, an industrial park within a West Bank settlement.

02-28-2015, 09:33 AM
Great. The anti-Koch, anti science crowd partnering with human rights activists. Sigh.

02-28-2015, 03:54 PM
Great. The anti-Koch, anti science crowd partnering with human rights activists. Sigh.

Which crowd would that be.

Ronin Truth
02-28-2015, 03:59 PM
Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn.

02-28-2015, 04:52 PM
Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn.

She should not be dissed , she was reportedly buddy with ddg.

Actress Scarlett Johansson claims she has regular email contact with Barack Obama

The actress Scarlett Johansson has revealed that she has regular email contact with presidential hopeful Barack Obama in which she offers advice and consoles him after difficult debates.

By Our Foreign Staff
11:44AM BST 11 Jun 2008
The Hollywood starlet said she had been communicating with the Democratic candidate for months and was "amazed" that he always found the time to reply.
"You'd imagine that someone like the senator who is constantly travelling and constantly 'on' - how can he return these personal emails?" she told the Politico website.
"But he does, and in his off-time I know he also calls people who have donated the minimum to thank them."
