View Full Version : Why is Hemp Illegal?

01-20-2014, 10:04 AM

Colorado’s recent landmark legislation reflects how popular demand is turning marijuana into big business, and it’s happening at a time when hemp is being touted as the nation’s most promising plant. This should come as no surprise to anyone, as perceptions of the one have been connected to perceptions of the other for quite some time now. After all, marijuana derives from hemp, so the fierce onslaught against the drug that surfaced in the 1930s was bound to have a detrimental impact on the image of the plant as a whole.

Over the past forty years, however, activists have been working to counter these attacks by showing how versatile the hemp plant can be as a medicine, oil, fiber, and recreational intoxicant. Now, armed with new research that significantly undermines the negative associations that have dominated the discourse for so long, advocates for “hemp awareness” have made significant headway in swaying public opinion towards lightening up on the plant -- and in Colorado, outright legalization.

In their efforts, these activists have appealed to a time long past when hemp had an important role to play in the Atlantic world, and in so doing have made claims about the plant -- that it was outlawed due to its potential to eat into profits of William Randolph Hearst and the Du Pont chemical empire -- that are grossly exaggerated. Granted, since the plant has a unique ability to express its genetic code in exceptionally diverse ways, new technological advancements could in fact transform it into a vital commodity for dozens of industries today. However, two hundred years ago, hemp seemed to cause more problems than it solved, and the tendency among activists to simply ignore this or postulate conspiratorial theories to explain why the plant fell out of favor has caused us to overlook the role that culture has played in transforming it from an important strategic commodity into a banned intoxicant over the course of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

01-20-2014, 10:08 AM
Because initially it was completion to the Cotton and Timber/Paper industries.

But since it has been profitable to the Police/Prison industrial Complex.
It is also opposed by the Pharmaceutical Industries.

some people just don't like competition.

However, two hundred years ago, hemp seemed to cause more problems than it solved,
200 years ago it was a profitable Cash crop with very little competition. It was beneficial to the economy,, and absolutely vital to shipping.
Sails, Ropes and rigging,, Clothing and paper were all made from it.
The oils are far better that anything on the market since.

The benefit or detriment of it's recreational use is minor in comparison.
it was not till much later that efforts to stifle it were even considered.

It was only after Prohibition's dismal failures, that Police and Federal agencies (recently created) needed another target, Marijuana became that target.

01-20-2014, 10:29 AM
Why is Hemp Illegal?
from 1935,

01-20-2014, 12:19 PM
Because initially it was completion to the Cotton and Timber/Paper industries.

But since it has been profitable to the Police/Prison industrial Complex.
It is also opposed by the Pharmaceutical Industries.

some people just don't like competition.

200 years ago it was a profitable Cash crop with very little competition. It was beneficial to the economy,, and absolutely vital to shipping.
Sails, Ropes and rigging,, Clothing and paper were all made from it.
The oils are far better that anything on the market since.

The benefit or detriment of it's recreational use is minor in comparison.
it was not till much later that efforts to stifle it were even considered.

It was only after Prohibition's dismal failures, that Police and Federal agencies (recently created) needed another target, Marijuana became that target.

Correct. People used to be taxed if they DID NOT grow hemp.

The reason we still can see all of the beautiful paintings of the Medieval and Renaissance eras is because they were painted on hemp canvas. Marijuana became illegal to scare the public and make it OK to get the sister plant, hemp, out of the competition. Couldn't have materials that are stronger than steel and lasts hundreds of years in the Big Steel & Cotton way of making bucks.

Hemp in the most valuable plant on the planet and is NOT a drug.

Again- here's the hemp Ford car:


Even the oil was made from hemp.

01-20-2014, 12:44 PM
Hempcrete is fireproof and waterproof. Rodents and termites can't eat it. Hempcrete petrifies over time to last many years. Hempcrete homes are self insulating thermal masses which stay at a fairly comfortable temperature year round which means less heating and cooling energy. Hempcrete homes are good acoustically too.



01-20-2014, 12:46 PM
Correct. People used to be taxed if they DID NOT grow hemp.

The reason we still can see all of the beautiful paintings of the Medieval and Renaissance eras is because they were painted on hemp canvas. Marijuana became illegal to scare the public and make it OK to get the sister plant, hemp, out of the competition. Couldn't have materials that are stronger than steel and lasts hundreds of years in the Big Steel & Cotton way of making bucks.

Hemp in the most valuable plant on the planet and is NOT a drug.

Again- here's the hemp Ford car:


Even the oil was made from hemp.

Hemp is Marijuana
Marijuana is hemp.

The only difference is what part of the plant you are using, and which part you are throwing away.

I care not for waste. Use the whole plant.

01-20-2014, 07:51 PM
Hemp is Marijuana
Marijuana is hemp.

The only difference is what part of the plant you are using, and which part you are throwing away.

I care not for waste. Use the whole plant.

What's the difference between hemp and marijuana?

Marijuana and hemp are different varieties of the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa L. There are different varieties of Cannabis, just as Chihuahuas and wolves are different breeds of Canis lupus. They are scientifically different and cultivated in different ways.

Read more: http://host.madison.com/what-s-the-difference-between-hemp-and-marijuana/article_fb7c0968-3122-11df-a8de-001cc4c03286.html#ixzz2qzfTXyAP

01-20-2014, 10:07 PM
Isn't the original constitution written on hemp paper?


The original automobiles could run off of hemp oil, so I would imagine there was a large push from the oil people to make it illegal

01-20-2014, 10:33 PM
Isn't the original constitution written on hemp paper?


The original automobiles could run off of hemp oil, so I would imagine there was a large push from the oil people to make it illegal


Even it's little sister was given the Mexican nickname "marijuana" to make the plant sound more evil. Couldn't let something as valuable as hemp get in the way of profits.

01-20-2014, 11:02 PM
In my own personal experience, the biggest reason I hate the government and why I opened my eyes to libertarianism is the fact that they caged me for marijuana possession over 10 years ago. Legalization of cannabis is a winning issue. It will be legalized nation-wide in my lifetime. Old fools that fell for the govt lies are dying off. To this day I still stand ready to cheer for the bad things that might happen to those that violated my rights. These @$$holes took several thousands of dollars of my money because I smoked weed. I'll dance on their graves.

01-21-2014, 07:56 AM
Because propaganda works, and many ignorant people do not question what they are told.

Ronin Truth
01-21-2014, 08:10 AM
The Marijuana Conspiracy: The reason hemp is illegal (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/07/marijuana-conspiracy-reason-hemp-is.html)