View Full Version : Rand Paul's an idiot...because MSNBC said so.

01-17-2014, 04:14 PM
Last night on Greta Rand said the following: "President's
governing philosophy to the kind of "majority rule" that led to Jim Crow laws and Japanese internment camps"

msn bc.com/rachel-maddow-show/thats-what-gave-us-jim-crow

That’s quite an assessment. It’s also remarkably nonsensical, even for Rand Paul.

First, Rand Paul opposed the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act, then partnered with neo-Confederate who celebrates the birthday of Abraham Lincoln’s assassin. Given this, maybe the senator should avoid incorporating Jim Crow into his arguments.

Second, Rand Paul’s embrace of “individual rights” rings hollow given his belief that the government can and should dictate American women’s reproductive choices and the government can and should prevent same-sex couples from getting married.

Third, if Paul or anyone else has evidence of President Obama saying he’d do whatever he wants because there are no rules that restrain him, I’d love to see it. As best as I can tell, Obama has spent the last five years pleading with congressional Republicans to work with him towards compromises – on just about anything and everything.

Fourth, if Paul or anyone else has evidence of President Obama saying majority rule should trump constitutional law, I’d love to see that, too.

And finally, since when do “progressives” reject “constitutional rule”? What on earth is he talking about?

Actually, Democracy did lead to Japanese Internment Camps (http://www.stanford.edu/group/sjeaa/journal111/Japan4.pdf)

West Coast politicians, bolstered by prevailing public opinion, clamored for the federal government to respond to the “Japanese Problem”. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing the “Secretary of War, and the Military Commanderswhom he may from time to time designate, toprescribe military areas from which anyor all persons may be excluded”.

If the Court ruled internment unconstitutional, it certainly risked a drop in prestige in the eyes of the public. The Court felt that during wartime it was essential for the country to be unified. The Court sacrificed fundamental principles in order notto stand in the way of the nation’s unified racist support for the internment of Japanese-Americans. The harsh realities of total war and the racial hysteria it can engender, led to the break-down of the constitutional system in the United States to protect the fundamental rights of individuals.

It's moments like this I'm reminded of one of Ron Paul's greatest papers:

Sadly, the constitution and its protections are respected less and less as we have quietly allowed our constitutional republic to devolve into a militarist, corporatist social democracy. Laws are broken, quietly changed and ignored when inconvenient to those in power, while others in positions to check and balance do nothing. The protections the founders put in place are more and more just an illusion.

01-17-2014, 04:38 PM
Maddow has turned into quite the propagandist, hasn't she?

That looks like a solid list of ideas from her, as I'm not sure she ever deviates too far from these themes:

1 - Filthy racists
2 - Abortion
3 - Obama is a swell guy and Team Red Totally Suxx
4 - I don't understand other political philosophies

01-17-2014, 04:42 PM
Maddow has turned into quite the propagandist, hasn't she?

That looks like a solid list of ideas from her, as I'm not sure she ever deviates too far from these themes:

1 - Filthy racists
2 - Abortion
3 - Obama is a swell guy and Team Red Totally Suxx
4 - I don't understand other political philosophies

LMAO you should have heard what this dizzy bleep said about me. :D :rolleyes:

01-17-2014, 04:57 PM
Also, if Democratic-Majoruty Rule wasn't what led to Japanese Internment then what would you call this (http://encyclopedia.densho.org/Public_Law_503/)?

01-17-2014, 05:58 PM
Maddow has turned into quite the propagandist, hasn't she?

That looks like a solid list of ideas from her, as I'm not sure she ever deviates too far from these themes:

1 - Filthy racists
2 - Abortion
3 - Obama is a swell guy and Team Red Totally Suxx
4 - I don't understand other political philosophies

Pretty much.

If you don't buy into the Union & Lincoln = Good, Confederacy = Evil you're a racist.

If you don't think women should be able to kill their unborn babies then you are not "respecting women's rights to kill their unborn babies" and you are evil.

Democrats = Good, Republicans = Evil and there's no real reason to criticize Obama.

If you deviate from these positions well then women you're just plan evil according to madcow.

01-17-2014, 07:12 PM

01-17-2014, 08:23 PM
If Maddow didn't scream 'lesbian', I'd think she has a crush on Rand Paul with all the obsessing she does over him where the public can see it, or even on MSNBC.

I think her deal is that she so wanted to be the liberal hero who destroyed him after winning the primary, and getting Democrats a Senate seat in a red state, but her Civil Rights Act smear in May 2010 went over like a lead balloon. One paper even featured a poll by SurveyUSA showing that 40-something percentage of people in Kentucky agreed with Paul, even after weeks of media faux outrage.

01-17-2014, 08:28 PM
We need to do a "debate Rachel Maddow" campaign. Who wants the honors? somebody with some spotlight already on them in our movement.

01-17-2014, 08:34 PM
If Maddow didn't scream 'lesbian', I'd think she has a crush on Rand Paul with all the obsessing she does over him where the public can see it, or even on MSNBC.

I think her deal is that she so wanted to be the liberal hero who destroyed him after winning the primary, and getting Democrats a Senate seat in a red state, but her Civil Rights Act smear in May 2010 went over like a lead balloon. One paper even featured a poll by SurveyUSA showing that 40-something percentage of people in Kentucky agreed with Paul, even after weeks of media faux outrage.

Definitely. Remember how big of a deal she made of the "plagarism" BS? She definitely has some kind of unhealthy obsession wit Rand.

01-18-2014, 01:23 AM
LMAO you should have heard what this dizzy bleep said about me. :D :rolleyes:

Do tell..

01-18-2014, 01:26 AM
If Maddow didn't scream 'lesbian', I'd think she has a crush on Rand Paul with all the obsessing she does over him where the public can see it, or even on MSNBC.

A similar analogy has occurred to me regarding Lawrence O'Donnell and Rand.

01-18-2014, 06:17 AM
Do tell..

This guy has a copy of it in his vid, starts around 6:04


01-18-2014, 09:04 AM
Tom Woods would be perfect for the job. Or, if we wanted to go with someone a little more politically inclined, Jack Hunter would be another fantastic choice.

We need to do a "debate Rachel Maddow" campaign. Who wants the honors? somebody with some spotlight already on them in our movement.

01-18-2014, 09:06 AM
Good lord, "Confederate currency"...Maddow really is a government shill.

This guy has a copy of it in his vid, starts around 6:04


01-18-2014, 09:25 AM
Good lord, "Confederate currency"...Maddow really is a government shill.

LOL. That was funny!

01-18-2014, 05:23 PM
Tom Woods would be perfect for the job. Or, if we wanted to go with someone a little more politically inclined, Jack Hunter would be another fantastic choice.

"Debate with a Zombie."

James Madison
01-18-2014, 05:54 PM
If Maddow didn't scream 'lesbian', I'd think she has a crush on Rand Paul with all the obsessing she does over him where the public can see it, or even on MSNBC.

You are what you eat.

01-19-2014, 06:46 PM
This guy has a copy of it in his vid, starts around 6:04


Great video. I dislike Melissa Harris-Perry even more than Maddow.

01-19-2014, 10:26 PM
It's pretty clear that Racial Madcow didn't bother to do an ounce of...y'know...journalism, because what she said is nothing whatever like what my bill was. Not even a shred of resemblance at all. :)

Saint Vitus
01-19-2014, 11:04 PM
Deleted....never mind, didn't realize I was in the sacred "Rand Paul subforum".