View Full Version : Media Partisanship

11-29-2007, 03:50 PM
I think we all know Fox news pretty much worships the neocons. How about the other major media outlets though?

What about CNN? Rush Limbaugh likes to call it the "Clinton News Network", and always rants about how they are far left leaning and hate conservatives. On the other hand, I hear some liberals say CNN leans to the right, supports the war, etc. I must admit the youtube debate last night seemed like a hit-job on most of the candidates. Where do you think CNN stands politically?

How about the others? MSNBC, New York Times, the BBC?

Are there any news organizations that you consider to truely be fair and balanced?

11-29-2007, 04:01 PM
CNN is 100% pro Clinton all the way.

They allowed her to explain her previous debates performance (where she flip flopped on the immigration drivers license) which is a debate no no.
They appear to tear into her very critically then they always say how strong she is and build her up every, single, time.

The reports of CNN leaning right are plants. Sounds like a conspiracy theory but if you watch it over time, you'll see it lean favorable to the left and the Clinton camp.

I actually think MSNBC is left leaning center. They had Mike Savage on for a while to take the leftness off a couple of years ago.
Tucker is a Libertarian realist but nobody watches him.

No one is fair and balanced. I have to read/listen to the same story 5 times from different media before I get the picture of what really happened.