View Full Version : Obama's time is over

Craig Thompson
12-09-2013, 03:28 AM
Obama is *still saying that he welcomes ideas for healthcare, but that he'll never be open to repealing the ACA, while he's president. Good. If he keeps that promise, then that means that he'll go down in history as our worst president yet. And he certainly is ... (our worst president in history - so far anyway). And that will make the democrats LOSE LOSE LOSE in the next round of elections. It's not that not enough people would follow his lead, it's that everyone wanted to. And now, he can see that less and less people want what he's offering, (which is socialism).

Capitalism is the only method that will set our economy free - by giving people the chance to work, and not trying to force them to, (and thereby dictating the terms that they will work under). All *that inspires is rebellion, and laziness. Dependency on government is what has continued to destroy this country for decades, and we are seeing the continued destruction ... Detroit being one of largest scale (of many examples) of failure of "progressive" policies.

As long as I'm alive, they won't get away with it. I will continue to support Paul, Amash, Cruz, and Lee in their fight for freedom (and any others that are on the right side of history). And if they don't compromise or bow to the fear of whatever they're threatened with, then they'll win. The American people will win, and freedom will win. But the people who want something for nothing will *not win. There's a possibility that by the time freedom has won, those people won't want something for nothing anymore, because they'll have been given the example of what hard work can do for them, and they'll be able to see how dependency of government has harmed them. And Obama is succeeding more than I ever imagined that he would, in showing everyone the example of how much harm can be done with socialism.

Obama's time is over ... his administration is failing miserably, and even though he *thinks he's succeeding, he's actually failing. The stock market is rising, which is a great indicator of failure. All that's doing is making the rich people richer, and harming the middle class and poor people, which are incidentally the people he campaigned to help. He hasn't helped them, he's failed them, and they're starting to realize it. That's why his polling numbers are at an all time low. He can't laugh that off, like he did with his wife on that recent TV interview. Bad numbers don't indicate success, they indicate failure - (Proverbs 29:2).