View Full Version : Required Homework Assignments

06-25-2007, 02:50 PM
For those new supporters of Dr. Paul who may be a little anxious about his fiscal philosophies the following videos are your required viewing assignments.

Money as Debt: 47 mins

Fiat Empire- Why the Fed Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution 59 mins

Money Masters: 3.5 hrs

America: Freedom to Fascism 1 hr 51 mins

For those who worry about his NAFTA and CAFTA stand the following is your required viewing assignment.

The Real Face of the European Union 43 mins

Remember, there will be test so pay close attention ;)

Others are welcome to post up more assignments.

It is not easy being a Ron Paul supporter. Julie Annie has already failed his assignment.:rolleyes:

06-25-2007, 02:56 PM
With my dial-up internet connection at home, I should complete these assignments about a month before the primaries. The 2012 primaries. :(

06-25-2007, 02:57 PM
Speaking the NAFTA/CAFTA stand, i love how sites like ontheissues.org rate his voting no against those as being against free trade. (scroll down, it will actually say he opposes topic 13, "support and expand free trade"http://www.ontheissues.org/Ron_Paul.htm

That is an absurd conclusion, since the reason he wants to end those agreements is to get rid of regulated trade in favor of a truly free market.

Look at that last video, and you'll see the plunge toward the EU began with so called "free trade agreements"... which NAFTA and the eventual SPP are going to help fasttrack toward, much faster than the EEC. That is why he is against NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, etc. They are trying to do with North America what was done with Europe, to consolidate power.

06-25-2007, 04:05 PM
William Stills, the guy who did The Money Masters, is a big promoter of Fiat Money. He is NOT on the same page as Dr. Paul. Here is a different video by the Ludwig von Mises Institute on the Federal Reserve:


Also, here are some books that Dr. Paul suggested that every American read:


Most, if not all of these books are available for free on the net.

Two of them are available from the Foundation for Economic Freedom (FEE). I really like this organization. All kinds of good stuff on this site.

Economics in One Lesson


The Law


I haven't found the entire book, The Road to Serfdom, on-line, but I have found the following:

http://www.mises.org/TRTS.htm (cartoon strip summary)
http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-publication43pdf?.pdf (Reader's Digest condensed version, 1945)

What has Government done to our Money?

or audio

Economics for Real People

06-25-2007, 04:11 PM
Speaking the NAFTA/CAFTA stand, i love how sites like ontheissues.org rate his voting no against those as being against free trade. (scroll down, it will actually say he opposes topic 13, "support and expand free trade"http://www.ontheissues.org/Ron_Paul.htm

That is an absurd conclusion, since the reason he wants to end those agreements is to get rid of regulated trade in favor of a truly free market.

Look at that last video, and you'll see the plunge toward the EU began with so called "free trade agreements"... which NAFTA and the eventual SPP are going to help fasttrack toward, much faster than the EEC. That is why he is against NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, etc. They are trying to do with North America what was done with Europe, to consolidate power.

I know, it makes one's blood pressure rise. At least it does mine. This is what I've been using...

Who Killed Free Trade?

What is Free Trade?

"As economist Murray Rothbard explained, true free trade does not require treaties or agreements between governments. On the contrary, true free trade occurs in the absence of government intervention in the free flow of goods across borders. Organizations like the WTO and NAFTA represent government-managed trade schemes, not free trade. Government-managed trade is inherently political, meaning politicians and bureaucrats determine who wins and loses in the marketplace. We should not allow globalist trade schemes to masquerade as free trade.

One critical point must not be ignored. The Constitution grants Congress, and Congress alone, the authority to regulate trade and craft tax laws. Congress cannot cede that authority to the WTO or any other international body, nor can the President legally sign any treaty that purports to do so. Our Founders never intended for America to become entangled in global trade schemes, and they certainly never intended to have our domestic laws overridden by international bureaucrats. Quasi-governmental organizations like the WTO are simply incompatible with American national sovereignty." -- Dr. Ron Paul

Or, read to your heart's content at http://www.mises.org
Search on "free trade" or "NAFTA".

Note: I haven't been using this one, because of it's from the JBS and that still freaks out some people, but the article is nonetheless good:

The Trouble With Our Trade Treaties

06-25-2007, 04:11 PM
Cool thanks for the links LibertyEagle.

06-25-2007, 04:40 PM
William Stills, the guy who did The Money Masters, is a big promoter of Fiat Money. He is NOT on the same page as Dr. Paul.

I agree LibertyEagle that Stills is for fiat money. He wants to get it out of hands of the central bankers(fed reserve) and get it out into the open with some accountability to we the people. Ron and he are on the same page when it comes to getting rid of the fed reserve. I believe either his way or Ron's way could work if it is out of the hands of the central bankers.

by the way, Ron has an extensive interview in the Fiat Empire video.

Thanks for the links LibertyEagle. Looks like I have some homework assignments.

06-25-2007, 04:41 PM
Julie Annie has already failed his assignment.:rolleyes:

Ghouls don't need to be smart just scary.

06-25-2007, 06:25 PM
Another required homework assignment is the reading list that Ron Paul assigned to Rudy Guiliani. On my blog (http://ronpaul.typepad.com/my_weblog/guilianis_reading_list/index.html)I've reviewed the 9/11 Commission Report and Blowback, and the next two reviews will come out over the next week. Where Ron Paul and Guiliani differ on foreign policy is key to Dr. Paul's ascendancy in this race, and everyone should educate themselves on this topic.