View Full Version : Red Herring 2014: Obamacare

11-12-2013, 01:23 PM
Politicians are already running for election in 2014, and one issue stands above all others: Obamacare. It seems that all candidates, both Democrat and Republican, are going to campaign on this issue. They will not be taking the same position though, so you will have a choice.

Democrats will be talking about the failed healthcare.gov website, and perhaps a variety of issues that have come up. They will be chastising the poor implementation, and may even discuss the lies told while selling the program to the American people. The main theme will be that although it has been a rough start, they will work hard to fix all of the problems, and ensure that it works as promised in the future.

Republicans will also be talking about the failures and lies. Their solution will be full repeal of the law. They will fight hard towards that end! And the fact that this was an entirely Democrat initiative (and failure) will be an obvious campaign rallying call.

So why is this a Red Herring? Because it is a given. Every Republican and Democrat will follow that script. There will be no deviation. There will be no distinguishing between candidates, especially in the Primaries. And as long as this is the main campaign issue, other issues can be downplayed or ignored altogether. It can take up the majority of the discussion, yet it will not truly differentiate candidates. With fix or repeal being presented as the choice, the election will be nothing more than blue team vs. red team, and that's the way they like it. All other issues can be secretly hashed out in smokey backrooms. Obamacare will be the ultimate Red Herring in 2014.

11-13-2013, 12:26 PM
McConnell campaigns on Obamacare.

McConnell focusing his re-election campaign on Obamacare

McConnell used a news conference in Louisville to focus his re-election campaign on Obamacare and those who support it.

It was a news conference in which McConnell would only answer questions about Obamacare. It comes as he is under attack by the far right for not doing enough to stop it. "Anything short of full repeal, leaves us with this monstrosity," said McConnell.


McConnell Uses Obamacare as Rx for Election Campaign

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, who is fighting a two front reelection battle, said today his Democratic opponent, would be “trying to run away” from Obamacare, which he called the “single worst piece of legislation that has been passed in modern times.”

“The panic has set in, the troops are restless and on a daily basis you will see some Democrats in some red states come up with a new way to try and distance themselves from Obamacare,” McConnell said today in his first official campaign press conference.


11-13-2013, 12:36 PM
Landrieu wants to "keep the promise".

Landrieu Introduces Bill to 'Keep Promise' of Obamacare

Senator Mary Landrieu, the Democrat from Louisiana, has introduced a bill called the "Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act."
"When we passed the Affordable Care Act, we did so with the intention that if you liked your health plan, you could keep it. A promise was made and this legislation will ensure that this promise is kept. For many consumers, plans in the Marketplaces may offer superior coverage at a good value that saves them money. But people should be able to keep their plans if they want to," Landrieu said in a statement. "I have said repeatedly that the Affordable Care Act isn't perfect, and I am willing to work with anyone who wants to improve it and implement it correctly. Middle class families and businesses need and deserve access to quality, affordable health insurance, and I hope that leaders from around the country and from both parties will join me in this effort."

Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Kay Hagan (D-NC) and Mark Pryor (D-AR) join the bandwagon:

It's one thing for embattled red state Democrats to support legislation that significantly disrupts Obamacare. It's a very different thing for bright-blue state Democrats to support such a bill.

That's what's happening. Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) have signed on to legislation introduced by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) -- and supported by Sens. Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mark Pryor (D-AR) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) -- that weakens a core Obamacare reform to the insurance market. Merkley, Landrieu, Hagan and Pryor are up for re-election in 2014; Manchin and Feinstein won't face re-election until 2018.

The Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act mandates that insurers continue individual market policies in effect as of Dec. 31, 2013 for as long as the carrier is operating in the market and the policyholder is paying premiums and meeting eligibility requirements. In short, insurers would not be permitted to cancel policies that failed to meet Obamacare's minimum standard for essential health benefits.

"The Affordable Care Act is a good law, but it is not perfect," Feinstein said. "I believe the Landrieu bill is a commonsense fix that will protect individuals in the private insurance market from being forced to change their insurance plan. I hope Congress moves quickly to enact it."