View Full Version : Japan Refused To Help NSA Tap Asia's Internet

10-28-2013, 01:44 AM

"The NSA sought the Japanese government's cooperation to wiretap fiber-optic cables carrying phone and data across the Asia-Pacific region but the request was rejected. The NSA wanted to intercept personal information including Internet activity and phone calls passing through Japan from Asia including China. The Japanese government refused because it was illegal and would need to involve a massive number of private sector workers. Article 35 of the Japanese Constitution protects against illegal search and seizure."

I wonder why they wouldnt help the NSA, gosh!

10-28-2013, 03:18 AM
I guess you have to drop a few nukes on a country before they will tell the NSA to f**k off?

10-28-2013, 03:43 AM
You mean a country that respects privacy and the law? How shocking. The NSA must have been flabbergasted.

10-28-2013, 10:01 AM
In 1947 the japan constitution was drawn up under the Allied occupation that followed World War II and was intended to replace Japan's previous militaristic and absolute monarchy system with a form of liberal democracy. Currently, it is a rigid document and no subsequent amendment has been made to it since its adoption

The Japanese are more faithful to following their constitution than the USA which theirs was modeled after being defeated by the USA! What example is the USA setting for the world now, its ok to spy on everybody and to ignore constitution supreme law of the land?