View Full Version : Can we never raise the social security tax?

10-26-2013, 06:35 PM
Most discussion in Washington of the projected long-term shortfall in the Social Security trust fund assumes that we can never raise the payroll tax. Many have advocated raising the cap on wages subject to the tax (currently just over $113,000), but raising the tax rate itself has largely been out of the question.

While there are good arguments for raising the cap (the increase in the share of income going over the cap due to the upward redistribution of income is a major reason for the projected shortfall), it is not obvious why increases in the tax rate at some future date should not be considered.

The Social Security Trustees*projects*that the average wage will be more than 60 percent higher in 2050 than it is today. Would there be some serious generational injustice if the tax rate was 2-3 percentage points higher at that point? This would still leave the after Social Security tax wage more than 50 percent higher than it is today.

Of course most workers have seen little or none of the benefits from the economy’s growth over the last three decades. The increase in average wages is overwhelmingly due to an increase in wages in the top 10 percent of the workforce and especially the top 1.0 percent. The big gainers have been CEOs, Wall Street types and doctors (especially specialists). If the next forty years are like the last three decades, then any increase in the Social Security tax will be bad news for most workers.

But this is really a problem of upward redistribution of wage income, not a problem of Social Security. If we stop pursuing trade, labor, and macroeconomic policies that have the effect of redistributing income upward, then it is difficult to see the problem with phasing in modest increases in payroll taxes.

While the conventional view in Washington is that voters would never tolerate an increase in payroll taxes under any circumstances, there is reason to question this view. CEPR arranged a Google poll that asked a simple question: “At the beginning of 2013, the payroll that funds Social Security was… .” Respondents were offered the choices of raised, lowered, left the same, don’t know.


10-26-2013, 09:38 PM
No we can never raise it. Just eliminate it. Like all redistribution schemes.

10-26-2013, 10:15 PM
There's 2 trillion in IOU's sitting in Social Security now, if more is put in, won't it be replaced with IOU's too? Like, for another military or NSA contract, or something?

10-26-2013, 10:30 PM
Raise it all you want as long as you make it optional. :)