View Full Version : The Boss Is Remotely Monitoring Blue-Collar Workers

10-24-2013, 03:49 PM

"The Wall Street Journal reports on the new level of surveillance available to bosses of blue collar workers. Thanks to mobile devices and inexpensive monitoring software, managers can now know where workers are, eavesdrop on their phone calls, tell if a truck driver is wearing his seat belt and intervene if he is tailgating. 'Twenty-five years ago this was pipe dream stuff,' said Paul Sangster, CEO of JouBeh Technologies, a Canadian company that develops tracking, or 'telematics,' technology for businesses. 'Now it is commonly accepted that you are being tracked.' In the U.S., workplace tracking technology is largely unregulated, and courts have found that employees have few rights to privacy on the job. No federal statutes restrict the use of GPS by employers, nor force them to disclose whether they are using it. Only two states, Delaware and Connecticut, require employers to tell workers that their electronic communications — anything from emails to instant messages to texts — are being monitored."

Stealing a Pen from an Employer will soon be a 25 year sentence in a People Warehouse we call a "Correctional Facility".

10-24-2013, 04:30 PM

Anti Federalist
10-24-2013, 04:35 PM
Freedom, serf.

Get used to it.

A high tech dark ages.

10-24-2013, 04:43 PM
In the future, I thought "Machines" were supposed to free people by obeying people. Instead it seems quite the opposite has happened. We obey the Machines when they tell us to do this or do that.

High Tech Slavery and another Link in the Chain of Obedience.

10-24-2013, 04:44 PM
Not all of this seems bad to me, but if a boss is spying on their workers there comes a point where they're wasting money trying to achieve control freak level management.

I have been tracked as a commercial driver and that by itself isn't necessarily a big deal. It's their equipment I'm driving and customer cargo I'm pulling. If we accept the reality of things like UPS package tracking than this is probably part of how it's achieved.

The seatbelt idea seems overkill and rather stupid. If a driver is not following that kind of common sense rule, then they will just rip the buckle off the belt and plug it in. Many truckers are the most stubborn bullheaded people I've ever met and have limits on how much of this crap they'll take to get miles and earn money.

Of course, if all this is dumped on the drivers, but no new oversight is put in over the Dispatchers, it will seem even more unfair and cause a lot of resentment.

10-24-2013, 04:52 PM
In the future, I thought "Machines" were supposed to free people by obeying people. Instead it seems quite the opposite has happened. We obey the Machines when they tell us to do this or do that.

High Tech Slavery and another Link in the Chain of Obedience.

The Machines are just indifferent tools.

There may come a time when people take apart this kind of technology and use it in reverse or manipulate it to Spoof it. Many of these people will likely be Millennial teenagers that start by modding their PCs or game consoles. They probably learn things about technology this way that is not taught in school or even college.

It may be possible that even Data Centers could be more succeptible to a worm if one ever launched on the inside. All those computers in one place might allow malware to spread even faster.

10-24-2013, 07:30 PM
The Boss is Watching You!
https://www.google.com/search?q=bruce+springsteen&rlz=1T4GGHP_enUS447US448&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=NclpUpFCj-jzBJSygcAF&ved=0CK0BEIke&biw=1920&bih=862#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=WtFBFSHMtI-PhM%3A%3BvU-Zhgs4tuOYEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffromtheleft.files .wordpress.com%252F2012%252F10%252Fbruce-springsteen-_2135592b.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffromtheleft.wor dpress.com%252F2012%252F10%252F02%252Fbruce-springsteen-endorses-nj-same-sex-marriage-bill%252F%3B620%3B400

Keith and stuff
10-24-2013, 08:43 PM
I saw the words seat belt. So some bosses want their drivers to drive poorly? Or do they just want their drivers to kill pedestrians and bicyclist? These ignorant pro-seat belt people are so annoying. When kids on buses have to wear seat belts, I'll beleive that these pro-seat belt evangelists might actually care about safety. Until then, don't beleive the BS.

mad cow
10-24-2013, 10:03 PM
I retired as a fisherman just as cameras mounted on boats were becoming ubiquitous because of falling prices but never mandatory.I never had any.

In every instance I know of,Captains mounted them in engine rooms to monitor oil leaks and fires and such,in lazarettes and ice holds to monitor flooding,and at the gallows to monitor setting and hauling the gear.

I know of no Captain who would monitor his crew for any type of behavior,anti-state or otherwise.If he tried,the crew would let him know it every time they walked past the camera if that were the case.

Workplace mounted cameras would have made my life a lot simpler and saved me several layers of stomach lining had they been available throughout my career.

10-24-2013, 11:00 PM
Freedom, serf.

Get used to it.

A high tech dark ages.

The problem is that technology is going to get to a point that the dark age could last a millennium, I'm not exaggerating.