View Full Version : "Dear, Michelle Malkin: Here's the Way Out of Common Core" by Dr. Joel McDurmon

10-19-2013, 07:58 AM
This is a simple solution (which I'm sure all of us here would agree with), but Dr. McDurmon argues it powerfully:

Michelle Malkin is one of a handful of conservative commentators—including Glenn Beck and David Barton—who have taken up the issue of Common Core as an all-out crusade. On the main point I agree: Common Core is the first step in the federal takeover of education. At best, it is a dangerous federal intrusion into education, even if not so up front, and even if it does not succeed in a full take over. But the current crusade against it is flawed and self-destructive.

My problem with Malkin and others on this issue is that they don’t seem to be aware of the contradiction inherent in their position. They want public education in general; they just want to keep the likes of Obama out of it. And herein lies the problem. Public, tax-funded, government-controlled education is by definition socialism. And once socialism is in the premise, the socialists will win in the conclusion. And conservatives will look quite silly arguing against something that is nothing but the logical conclusion of the system as designed. And that’s what’s happening here: Malkin is arguing against something that is already at the root of the thing she wants to preserve and protect.

It continues here (http://americanvision.org/9588/dear-michelle-malkin-heres-get-common-core/#sthash.OLR9bDAO.dpbs).

10-19-2013, 08:00 AM
I was expecting pitchforks and torches, but this may do.