View Full Version : Where are the "Justice for Miriam" marchers?

Anti Federalist
10-18-2013, 08:04 PM
Where are the “Justice for Miriam” marchers?


By: Eric

The boycott of Washington, DC? The threat of an investigation by the Attorney General?Capitol Lockdown

Instead, there is silence.

No, worse.

There is applause.

For the murderers.

Miriam Carey – the 34-year-old Connecticut mother gunned to death, Sonny Corleone-style, by a phalanx of DC cops – is already fast-fading from our TeleScreens. She was buried this week – along with any outrage from the Usual Suspects, whose outrage is never directed against the system that systematically brutalizes not just black people but all people routinely, egregiously – and most importantly, with legal impunity.

The thug cops who murdered an unarmed woman simply trying to get away from them will suffer no consequences. They have not even been put on “administrative leave” – the euphemism for paid vacation – until the controversy dies down.

Because there is no controversy.

In fact, they will likely be awarded promotions and medals for their “service” and “heroism.”

Outside of a few redoubts of sanity, most of the public apparently believes Carey got what she deserved. Just like the immolated Branch Davidians at Waco. (At the time, I was an editorial writer at The Washington Times and one of my colleagues there quipped – as we watched the events unfold on live TV – that it was an action worthy of Jurgen Stroop, the SS General who burned the Warsaw Getto down).

She disobeyed authority. These days, that is sufficient to warrant summary execution. It is the full-blossom expression of the law-and-order-ism that was planted back during the Reagan Years, when tearful Ollie North became the first government thug to insist on being praised for being a thug. It’s been a downhill slide ever since. Skepticism of authority, distrust of government – they’re now regarded as suspicious, disloyal. You are either with us, or against us. Just obey rightful authority. They are here to keep us safe.

Except when they’re beating us to death – or shooting us to death.

The kicker is the modern American badge-sucker doesn’t think it could happen to him. They never do. Which is precisely why it inevitably ends up happening not just to them but to everyone.

There was a time when a cop couldn’t (legally) open up on you if you were merely running away, as Carey attempted to do. And certainly, once cornered, an unarmed suspect wasn’t subject to being used as target practice, as Carey was.

What has happened?

America has become, not the land of the free and the home of the brave, but the land of the fearful – and the home of the cowardly. A strange mixture of craven and brutal – which of course is a consistent character trait of authoritarian societies throughout time. Brutalized people come to enjoy brutality – when it is dispensed against others.

Ideally The Other (in psychological terms).

The Jew.


And of course, ******s.

It never occurs to these dupes that we’re all ******s now.

The least little thing set off a grotesquely disproportionate response – from arguing with a cop over a traffic ticket to attempting to get away from cops manning “checkpoints.”

Immediate submission is not just expected, it is demanded.

And failure to submit invites a lethal response.

That’s awful, but far worse is the North Korea-style public approbation of these excesses. The appalling Steny Hoyer, House Minority Whip from Maryland, got the assembled Congress to give a standing ovation to the “heroes” who shot Miriam Carey full of holes. “Mr. Speaker,” this odious toad intones, “too often we take the folks who are prepared to put their own lives and safety at risk to ..save from harms’ way (sic) not only those who work on in the capitol but those who visit their capitol …and so I know that round of applause was heartfelt and deeply meant.”

The even more odious Eric Cantor – a neo-con Republican with a permanently turgid war boner – added his amen, stating “we really appreciate” the public execution of Carey.

How long will it before any failure to toe the line, any expression of disagreement, will likewise be categorized as “terrorism”? This country is feeding on itself like a rabid raccoon chewing off its own tail.

Some have observed – rightly – that what happened to Miriam Carey is very much like what happened (and continues to happen) to unfortunates in Iraq and Afghanistan, where failing to stop for a “checkpoint” or otherwise failing to heed authority is taken as proof positive that one is a “terrorist” – and we all know what happens to them.

One can almost hear the sound of boots marching on the pavement, the echoes through time of sieg-heiling masses.

It won’t be the same here, of course.

But it won’t be very different, either.

Throw it in the Woods?

10-18-2013, 08:47 PM
Its not illegal if the government does it:rolleyes:

10-18-2013, 08:51 PM
Happy birthday AF. Aint life grand?

10-18-2013, 08:58 PM
They claim she "rammed the gates" even though her bumper wasn't damaged. Meanwhile SWAT teams across the country poke holes in walls, break windows, break down doors, throw grenades, and kill people.... just to serve search warrants.

10-18-2013, 11:50 PM
Good question.

Anti Federalist
10-19-2013, 06:25 AM

tod evans
10-19-2013, 07:37 AM


10-19-2013, 10:09 AM

10-19-2013, 12:45 PM
Well she was trying to kill Obama!

Christian Liberty
10-19-2013, 01:28 PM
I love this place (RPF, not USA.)

10-19-2013, 02:52 PM
welcome to Amerikkka

10-19-2013, 07:13 PM
Al Sharpton and other 'civil righters' have failed to utter a single sentence on she faced this tragic end because she was in the 'wrong neighborhood'. Why they are tongue tied?

10-19-2013, 07:18 PM
Where are the good cops?

10-19-2013, 07:29 PM
Where are the good cops?

Who knows, but maybe the one in cargo shorts who restrained himself from cracking her windshield :

http://cdn.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.6195671.1380889983%21/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_600/image.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=i-yYQVCT3ZKfrM&tbnid=FyltHJldIZjD8M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsday.com%2Fnews%2Fnew-york%2Fshock-in-brooklyn-where-d-c-suspect-miriam-carey-grew-up-1.6194106&ei=gzFjUuitEYvm8gTWrIAY&bvm=bv.55139894,d.eWU&psig=AFQjCNE0cRjKVkbUFvAf25mXkvjvbcEIrA&ust=1382318727326497)

Unlike these other guys:

http://media.thedenverchannel.com/photo/2013/10/03/dcchasewoman_1380859417605_1037873_ver1.0_320_240. jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=PDeZrOipY0QvdM&tbnid=xlxwHGR9_uUt2M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedenverchannel.com%2Fnews%2 Fu-s-world%2Fmom-miriam-carey-woman-killed-in-washington-police-chase-suffered-from-postpartum-depression&ei=1jFjUqTVFIvm8gTWrIAY&bvm=bv.55139894,d.eWU&psig=AFQjCNE0cRjKVkbUFvAf25mXkvjvbcEIrA&ust=1382318727326497)

Anti Federalist
10-19-2013, 10:06 PM
Hut Hut Hut.

10-20-2013, 11:29 AM
Not black enough, poor enough or uneducated enough for al sharpton to care.

10-20-2013, 12:50 PM
Not black enough, poor enough or uneducated enough for al sharpton to care.

Mystery solved:




White House and DC police tight-lipped over ... - The Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/04/obama-police-dc-car-chase-miriam-carey)
Oct 4, 2013 - Obama administration refused to comment on police's response to the car chase which left Miriam Carey dead.

10-21-2013, 01:52 AM
'Justice for Carey' could cause problems cuz of thios:



10-21-2013, 04:10 AM
Al Sharpton and other 'civil righters' have failed to utter a single sentence on she faced this tragic end because she was in the 'wrong neighborhood'. Why they are tongue tied?

Because she was saying erratic stuff about Obama. They won't defend anyone that says anything against the Messiah. And she tried to break into his house! Oh no, that crossed the line.

10-21-2013, 04:11 AM
Where are the good cops?

Answer your question?


10-21-2013, 06:17 PM
Answer your question?


Anything can fly in drone age.

10-23-2013, 04:53 AM
Because she was saying erratic stuff about Obama. They won't defend anyone that says anything against the Messiah. And she tried to break into his house! Oh no, that crossed the line.

I'm afraid you may be right.

10-25-2013, 12:16 AM
http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1477009.1380945531%21/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/miriam-03.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=rVOexw_xd8NKpM&tbnid=2frN29V1nr5e6M:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nydailynews.com%2Fnews%2Fnati onal%2Fconnecticut-woman-shot-dead-feared-obama-stalking-report-article-1.1476189&ei=zQ1qUrqLL4ivkAeK34Fo&bvm=bv.55123115,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNHo0nZEu2zsv9b91rcGGsailV9fFg&ust=1382768434017474)

Could this be why Obama unlike Trevon case not been able to make time to comment on Miriam Carey killing in upscale DC neighborhood?

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlWu2PQJuih83k7uDLtvDGeetabkGpA C3ExJulBUiharmcegwow2Y7tL5VzfAR5hVsFD5Wj6M
(http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CDAQpwIwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nydailynews.com%2Fnews%2Fpoli tics%2Fpresident-obama-toasts-shutdown-golf-article-1.1491509&ei=IwxqUuHcIcuMkAept4GQAg&usg=AFQjCNHi2PBtF1e8NVXbmMtL66Kf0xsilA&bvm=bv.55123115,d.eW0)Obama plays first post-shutdown round of golf (http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2013/10/20/obama-golf-game-fort-belvoir/3091029/)
USA TODAY-Oct 21, 2013
The government shutdown is over, and Washington is getting back to normal — including President Obama's golf game. Obama hit the links ...

10-28-2013, 07:21 PM
Very sad, them punk ass cops will not get away with this and f*** congress for giving a standing ovation for this b.s.

it makes me sick and very angry.

10-28-2013, 11:07 PM
It is indeed sad.
And no apology from Congress/tight lipping on this issue from SWC in WH is indicator of a bigger underlying issue. So many prostitutes for power in DC it seems.

10-29-2013, 04:50 PM
It is indeed sad.
And no apology from Congress/tight lipping on this issue from SWC in WH is indicator of a bigger underlying issue. So many prostitutes for power in DC it seems.

yep and no one cares.

10-30-2013, 01:01 PM
yep and no one cares.

Yes.. for time being. Once investigation results came out, it could change.

02-11-2014, 11:13 PM


02-11-2014, 11:27 PM
Mystery solved:




White House and DC police tight-lipped over ... - The Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/04/obama-police-dc-car-chase-miriam-carey)
Oct 4, 2013 - Obama administration refused to comment on police's response to the car chase which left Miriam Carey dead.

Cornel West drives me crazy in that I disagree with his politics so much. BUT, I respect him. He is one of the few intellectually honest liberals I've seen.

02-11-2014, 11:56 PM
Cornel West drives me crazy in that I disagree with his politics so much. BUT, I respect him. He is one of the few intellectually honest liberals I've seen.

I don't even know all his views and probably would disagree on many things but I also respect him for his convictions and for saying what he means.

Weston White
02-12-2014, 12:04 AM
Really, does this mean that there will no: "You know, when Miriam Carey was first shot, I said that this could have been my daughter"?