View Full Version : John Boehner getting slammed on his FB

10-16-2013, 09:04 PM
Link: https://www.facebook.com/johnboehner

Some examples...

You sold us out. You wasted our time and belittled us. There are 28 RINOs in the senate who should be ashamed of themselves to the core and each and everyone one of you who vote for this in the house. We don't need any more of this bipartisan bowing down to Obama. We need people who will stand up and listen to those who voted you in. We don't want this!


Was Obamacare defunded and cancelled? If not STFU!


Islamic terrorists are no longer America's worst enemy, Congress and Obama are.


First thing you need to do is find your nuts. And then go soak them in a cup of hot water with a bag of tea.


Big Gov't Republicans are worse than Big gov't Democrats in that at least we know that Big gov't Democrats want to destroy America. Big Gov't Republicans lie right to their constituents faces until they stick the knife in the back.


You caved again. You'll be hearing from real Americans come primary time.


Oh shut up. With any luck you'll be in prison soon.


You are a blemish on the Republican side. How dare you let Obama use the Americans as bait, so that he can get his way. As true Americans, we could have held out. Hell, we may have come together and bring America back to it's former glory. I can't believe you put and Americans into the hands of a tyrant. I am hurt that the republican gave up so easily.


Take a hike Boehner! You all are a bunch of wimps and our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they saw what was going on with you guys! Come election day, all you jerks will be looking for work!


Bull Crap. You couldn't fight a dead cat. I do believe that the House controls all money bills.


Boehner knew all along 0bama wouldn't let the US default. The whole thing was a sham to fund 0bamacare without making the GOP look bad. It was all theater.


You sir have no back bone, you should have held out. you let us down


...and the grand old party bends like a blade of grass. You people still think the Republican party is looking out for you? We have the liberal party and the half its members are only masquerading as conservatives party. It's time to vote for a candidate and a party that actually gives a damn about the people, and the constitution!


I'm sick of all these Librotomized Conservative Sheeple in DC! I'm sick of all these Bill Maher regurgitating Librotomized idiots that believe ACA is not an illegal tax. You idiotic folks think it is universal healthcare? We already have that....it's called Medicare and Medicaid.


Uh, Boehner IS the traitor. Get it straight.


You sir, are a disappointment. All of you are. We need help in this country and it obviously isn't going to come from you or any other dumbass in DC. To you and the President, kiss Americas' ass.


Senator Boehner, you got to get some fight to continue a fight. And you are to afraid to stand to fight. Heres a tip for you, "GO HOME" Thanks for nothing.


10-16-2013, 09:06 PM
Let him burn baby

10-16-2013, 09:07 PM
Damned on both sides, really. Had this fallen through, he'd have gotten it from people who feel he, the Tea Party and the GOP as a whole are, as some put it, holding Americans hostage and keeping people away from their jobs. Their words, not mine.

10-16-2013, 09:22 PM
lol, as if Boehner cares what people think
