View Full Version : Blatant

Matthew Zak
11-28-2007, 07:48 PM
I'm shaking with anger right now. They've been blatantly disrespectful to Ron Paul. Not allowing him more than 25 seconds to respond to a LOADED, B*&^s&^% question, although they allow the other guys to toot their own horn for 250% of the time they were allowed to answer a simple question.

Did anyone else notice when Huckabee repeated Ron Paul's answer on cutting spending, that he got a much higher rating (for the SAME answer?)

What does that tell everyone?

11-28-2007, 07:55 PM
What it tells me is this debate is similar to all the others.

RP will get the least amount of time to speak, and the fewest questions.

But ya know what, he's decidedly wiped the floor with the other candidates in each of the other debates thus far, and his responses while, brief have been phenomenal.


11-28-2007, 07:58 PM
What this tells ME is that I need to send Anderson Cooper some hate mail. Is he simply incompetent or does he truly not know the meanings of "time limit" and "moderator?"

This is truly the worst moderation I've ever seen in my entire life. It's disgraceful and is independent of Ron Paul.