View Full Version : Issue: Immigration: Dr. Paul on birthright citizenship

Bradley in DC
06-25-2007, 08:19 AM
Ron Paul opposes granting automatic birthright citizenship to illegal immigrants who have children born in the United States, as currently guaranteed by the 14th amendment. He says the USA is the only Western country with this law and proposes a new amendment to repeal the 14th.

Under June 22nd.

Shmuel Spade
06-25-2007, 09:58 PM
Ending birthright citizenship would seem to bring Amendment XIV's interpretation in line with the original intent of its drafters. Of course it's up to the SCOTUS to do the review.

I don't think a Constitutional Amendment is necessary, and even though Amendment XIV seems to be the bane of some libertarians and CTists existence, I personally love it. Yes, it can be used as an excuse for the arrogation of federal power, but with proper judicial review this doesn't have to be.

Man from La Mancha
06-26-2007, 12:15 AM
Something to ponder and search google if you like

The 14th Amendment stripped natural born American nationals of each his, or her, personal soveiegnty over the United States government by creating a seperate class of corporate citizens called, "Person(s)" subject to corporate and maritime laws and regulations of the United States.

The 14th Amendment established the grounds upon which the Individual Corporate Income Tax established within the 16th Amendment would be yoked upon the federal government's newly created subject persons; US citizens. "US citizens" are a corporate subdivision of the 14th Amendment's corporate "person". A "person" in law includes a corporation is defined as an artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. So, this means any entity, be it a flesh and blood human, brick and mortar building, an automobile, or the company that manufactures that automobile, is a "person". Persons, under the law, are considered corporations subject to the Individual Corporate Income Tax. It took a couple World Wars to do it, but they, the neo-cons, did it!

Over time, the WWII era pay-as-you-go Victory Tax was created as a temporary 2-year tax that "persons" could participate in voluntarily to pay off the war debt. By tricking American nationals into volunteering to identify themselves as an,"Employee", for Victory tax purposes they were unknowingly identifying themselves as corporate officers and therefore as "persons" subject to th Individual Corporate Income Tax. With this the Internal Revenue Service pulled off a major coup in America. The IRS bypassed the direct tax delegated to the Legislative Branch by Article I of the Unites States Constitution by instituting a mandatory indirect tax levied against United States corporations, which out of good faith, the American People volunteered to temporarily pay for the life of the statutory 2-year Victory Tax. What the American People did not anticipate, were blindsided by, was that Congress would renew the Victory Tax statute and has continued to renew the 2-year statute for the past sixty years!

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, which when enacted, moved all sovereign American nationals into a subservient class of persons called "United States citizens" with less Constitutional rights, less human rights,(and no God given rights), than accorded American nationals by law.The 14th Amendment made us answerable to a sovereign United States government located in Washington D.C.

The DC Sovereigns grant certain immunities and privileges to its citizen-subjects, yet withholds the same from American nationals.

Case in point, Try to collect food stamps, or any other federal entitlement, retirement pensions, apply for a drivers license, buy a home, get a job, register to vote. In each of these situations, we have to identify ourselves as a, "US citizen", in order to comply. Nowhere, in the government lexicon is an, "American National," an accepted and normally used term, except within the US State Department's Passport Office. Why? Because the State Department knows that Americans have a choice to be natural born 'nationals', or 14th Amendment "US citizens".

Yet, you will not find within any other federal and state forms a place to identify yourself as an American national, for the United States government does not want to accord you the sovereignty over itself that such a claim gives you. Not grants you, but gives you!

It is the 14th Amendment and the rules, regulations and laws derived from it, which remove us from the protections of the American Constitution and its mandate that we are sovereign over the government. When American nationals accept and receive 14th Amendment derived entitlements, i.e. grants, subsidies, food stamps, welfare, etc, they are renouncing their American national class status and accepting subservient US citizen class status, whereas the federal government is the sovereign over its 14th Amendment citizens to whom it can grant certain immunities and privileges. Remember now, that what Caesar can grant to his subjects, he can take away just as easily!

This Washington DC based Monarchy is in direct conflict with what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our Federal Republic when they wrote into our Federal Constitution our sovereignty of the People over the United States government to protect us from tyrants such as we have in government today.

Americans have been conditioned to the point of believing they are entitled to their entitlements. Really now. How much ya wanna bet I am no longer entitled to fly on a commercial airliner, because I wrote this particular blog supporting Americans and America?

06-26-2007, 01:32 AM
Wait i thought the 14th amendment abolished slavery.... i guess there is more to it?

06-26-2007, 10:21 AM
This is one of the few things I disagree with the good doctor on. I completely understand where he's coming from and that removing an incentive is a good idea... I just think that securing the borders would remove this as an issue entirely. I actually am not for a fence... I'm for a wall... 60 feet high and 60 feet down, wide enough for men to patrol the top of alla Escape from New York.

Bradley in DC
06-26-2007, 10:28 AM
This is one of the few things I disagree with the good doctor on. I completely understand where he's coming from and that removing an incentive is a good idea... I just think that securing the borders would remove this as an issue entirely. I actually am not for a fence... I'm for a wall... 60 feet high and 60 feet down, wide enough for men to patrol the top of alla Escape from New York.

Border security addresses the symptoms without correcting the underlying causes. Our immigration policies are out of whack. A lottery. Really? Is that the best we can do?

Shmuel Spade
06-27-2007, 12:37 AM
Something to ponder and search google if you like…


Shmuel Spade
06-27-2007, 12:52 AM
Wait i thought the 14th amendment abolished slavery.... i guess there is more to it?

You're thinking of Amendment XIII. Amendment XIV was written to overturn the worst decision in SCOTUS history, "Dredd Scott vs. Sanford." It was written to guarantee that the newly freed slaves would be considered citizens of the United States, and couldn't simply be denied citizenship by the returning Confederate states.

And being a citizen of the United States wasn't anything new, it was around from the beginning. Note the Last Will and Testament of George Washington (http://home.earthlink.net/~kmahlberg/KLinks/willgw.htm): "I, George Washington of Mount Vernon, a citizen of the United States and lately President of the same, do make, ordain and declare this instrument, which is written with my own hand and every page thereof subscribed with my name, to be my last Will and Testament, revoking all others." Not solely a citizen of Virginia, but of the United States.

George Washington also gave this parting advice to the nation in his Farewell Address (http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/washing.htm): "For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism more than any appellation derived from local discriminations."