View Full Version : Rand Paul op-ed: Obama’s response to shutdown is just ‘shut up’

10-03-2013, 09:12 PM
PAUL: Obama’s response to shutdown is just ‘shut up’

By Rand Paul
Thursday, October 3, 2013

It has been said that politics is the art of compromise. Try as they may, Washington leaders hardly ever get absolutely everything they want.

Polls show Americans are worried about the implementation of Obamacare — worried about keeping their current health insurance plans, the new law itself, the exchanges, potential fines, personal privacy, keeping their jobs, their work hours and a host of other issues too numerous to list here. Both the country and the Congress have much to discuss.

Right now, though, President Obama refuses to engage in any debate or discussion. The president is demanding that he get 100 percent of what he wants, and if he doesn’t, he and his Democratic allies in the Senate will keep the government shuttered.

Republicans have offered compromises that might stop or dull some of the negative effects of Obamacare but that would also pass a budget and keep the government functioning. Still, Mr. Obama refuses to budge. He will not even consider compromise.

Republicans are told that the law has already passed and that we’re being obstructionists for attempting to question or modify it. However, since when in this country after a law is passed is it eternally set in stone? When has it ever been true that Congress cannot look at and alter or improve existing law?


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10-03-2013, 09:15 PM
Rand Paul's op-ed last week, I don't think it was ever posted:
