View Full Version : Government Shutdown Would Only Affect ‘Non-Essential’ Services

09-30-2013, 02:58 PM
If we’re to believe the talking heads of the mainstream media, the government is likely to shut down, possibly as soon as tomorrow, and all Hell is about to break loose. However, a closer examination demonstrates that this alleged government shutdown wouldn’t be much of a shutdown at all, as only “non-essential” services would be affected. If Congress and the President can’t come up with a compromise, the mail will still run, the wars will continue, domestic law enforcement agencies will still be spying on Americans, Social Security checks will make it to their recipients, and food safety inspections will still take place. Considering the fact that our nation is trillions in debt, maybe Congress should allow this type of government shutdown on purpose and push to make some of these cuts to non-essential programs permanent.


09-30-2013, 03:08 PM
People need to stop calling it a Government shutdown. It's a 37% cut in government, not even half of government ffs. I had to correct one of my teachers about this today.

09-30-2013, 03:10 PM
All State 'services' are non-essential.