View Full Version : Metadata On How You Drive Also Reveals Where You Drive

09-28-2013, 04:48 PM

"Pay-as-you-drive programs are all the rage in the auto insurance industry. The (voluntary) programs, like Progressive Insurance's Snapshot use onboard monitoring devices to track information like the speed of the automobile, sudden stops, distance traveled and so on. Safe and infrequent drivers might see their rates drop while customers who log thousands of miles behind the wheel and/or drive recklessly would see their insurance rates rise. GPS data isn't generally collected, and insurance companies promise customers that they're not tracking their movement. No matter. A study (PDF) by researchers at the University of Denver claims that the destination of a journey can be derived by combining knowledge of the trip's origin with the metrics collected by the 'pay-as-you-drive' device. The data points collected by these remote sensing devices are what the researchers call 'quasi-identifiers' – attributes that are 'non-identifying by themselves, but can be used to unique identify individuals when used in combination with other data.' In one example, researchers used a strategy they called 'stop-point matching,' to compare the pattern of vehicle stop points from a known origin with various route options. They found that in areas with irregular street layouts (i.e. 'not Manhattan'), the pattern will be more or less unique for any location. The study raises important data privacy questions for the (many) 'pay-as-you-drive' programs now being piloted, or offered to drivers – not to mention other programs that seek to match remote sensors and realtime monitoring with products and services."

People still believe that a Discout is an actual Benefit. Its not. Its blackmail. This is pretty much the big problem with Data Harvesting on people. Companies like Progressive are trying to twist and pervert the public opinion on the Invasion of Privacy by making it appear that what they are doing is something that it is not. Progressive is not reliant on their little Spy Chip to collect this data. The reason they come out with this is to make people think that this is not only 'Acceptable' but 'Expected'. They can just as easily purchase this information from a GPS enabled Smart Phone, and charge you as much as they can get away with charging you. The Cost is the True Problem. What it means is that by charging you more, they decrease the quantity of currency in your wallet leaving you with less and less to live on.

Privacy is about Total Control.

When you Control, the one thing you want is Obedience. Thus, the less Obedient you are the, less currency you are left with. And its not so much about Progressive, but a conglomoration of ALL companies that demand your Obedience to their Terms of Service, Legal Loopholing, and other BS tricks. Comply with our Legal Demands, or else. That is what it basically boils down to. By eating this Peanut, you hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions of the sale of this peanut. #1 We may take any personal information we want about you and use every shred of it to our financial advantage, which means to your financial disadvantage. #2 We can say and do what ever we want. #3 We may change the Terms and Conditions at any time, but you are not allowed to do so. Privacy Policies are there to mislead you into thinking they respect your Privacy. They dont. This is the Information Age, and your Information is the product that they sell. You generate the Information and allow them access to it, and they can do anything they want with it. They sell it because they can. They sell it because they know if they can collect it, someone is going to be willing to pay them for it. Those are the 3rd Parties. Your cell phone provider may not have any objections if you go to a bar after work. Cell Phone providers know that other companies would be willing to pay to find out who goes to the bar after work, like an Insurance Provider. Thus, your Information is then the Product that is For Sale. And Progressive uses that relevant data about you going to the bar after work to their financial advantage by hiking up your rates for every infraction of their policy. How much do you think Progressive would be willing to pay your Insurance Provider to get this type of information? Well, what ever they are willing to pay, it has to be slightly less than the increase in your Premiums. Both companies would have use of this information. AT&T might not come along and tell you that they believe you drink and drive, but keeping you alive is in their financial best interests. They also understand that although they can collect said information, they are not in a position to tell you (Obedient) to stop drinking and driving. Your Car Insurance is.

For them to sell the idea that lack of Privacy is Acceptable, they put a Spin and promote how much Lack of Privacy can benefit you (although its really not), and bury and hide any reasons that would reveal how the information they collect on you is used to Manipulate you. If your Health Insurace Provider (if you have one) came down and said, "Based on Information we have collected about your behavior, we have decided to further increase your Premiums. Stop eating Bacon, and Stop Exercising by riding your bike becaue both of those behaviors have the potential to cost us money." They wont tell you that. What you see is your bill this month is not the same as it was last month, and most people will blow it off because they think that the rates were adjusted as they always are every month. They will not tell you how they use the Information to make you as Obedient as they can. If they did, it would be a step towards breaking the Illusion that you have any semblance of Freedom. And none of it is Illegal or Unlawful because the people in office are bought and paid for. But what is most disheartening is that most people believe their Propoganda and that such actions by Companies is not only Tolerable, but flat out Desired.

But sir, you have to understand we are a Business. I dont know how many times I've heard those words come out of the mouths of the Obedient Employees. They are just as threatened as the rest of us are. Be obedient or we will replace you with someone more obedient. People working at any job dont control the entire business. They cant. And in most businesses, there may only be a few people that get the full picture of how their business works. It means the employee who tells you that dreaded 'We're a Business' has no idea of the total ramifications of their actions. What 'We're a Business' means is a form of Royalty. We can do what ever we want to you, but you have no recourse against us. We are a Woman, and we are always in the Right. That woman is a real bitch. And it all goes back to Terms and Conditions, which are plentiful enough since the Busy Body Lawyers all want to validate their existence, and this is how they do so. Regardless of how they do it, their goal is to have an Obedient Customer who is not only unable but unwilling to refute their Business Practices.

Then you get Socialized Medicine. You get the Republicrat Party. They also demand nothing short of Obedience. Be a good healthy worker so we dont have to pay, but we also want you to hurry up and die. You should also be somewhat sick so the Businesses that depend on your illness stay open. We also demand that you blindy obey when we tell you to vote for Candidate X because Candidate X will maintain the Status Quo, which is to their advantage, and your disadvantage. Any form of Disobedience is quickly labeled a Mental Disorder. This tries to reinforce the idea that Disobedience is a problem that is resultant of the Disobedient, regardless of the abuses that come from those to whom the individual is behaving Disobediently towards. Any Disobedience towards any Invader of Privacy is an attack on the entire system.

If the goal is TOTAL CONTROL, dont stop thinking about what is happening right now or simply a year from now. Think 20 years in the future and imagine how the Abuses of the Controllers will increase. Imagine Tyranny by Corporations in a Hundred Years. Do not question the Fiat Currency. Do not question Big pHARMa. Do not question Socialized Health Care. DO not question your Cell Phone Carrier. Do not question your Supermarket, or the company that wrote that App. Do not question. Be Obedient, because if you are not, you will be punished accordingly, and you wont even know that it is a Punishment.

The Back Up Plan.

So you dont like having your Privacy invaded. You get rid of your Cell Phone. No worries, they have Cameras. They require you to carry around RFID Chipped Drivers Licenses and many ATM and Credit Cards. They gather and analyze information from the Internet in regards to what websites you visit revealing your behaviors as well as what you say and do online. They put computers in your Car and make you pay for them. They offer you Gizmos to put in your car so they can Track you. They even require your Children to carry around GPS Transmitters if they realize that what they call Education is another form of Conditioning. They want to put Cameras in your Cable Boxes so Advertisers can monitor how you react to their Propoganda. And if you manage to avoid all of these things, they still have backup plans. Anonymity is a threat to their Profit Margins and the Status Quo. One of their Goals would have to be to force every single person in the World to have Biometric Implant by Law. They want 1984 PLUS Minority Report PLUS Infinity. They want it ALL. You are the Product being Harvested, Bought and Sold. And to make you as valuable of a Product as they can, they expect Complete and Total Obedience toward your Masters.

Anti Federalist
09-28-2013, 10:23 PM
Just getting warmed up

09-29-2013, 05:14 AM
Who, me or you? Well, alright, lets play ball.

When Information is used to cast the Chains of Obedience, that very same Information needs to be destroyed by Society itself.

Your turn. Hit it out of the park!

tod evans
09-29-2013, 05:39 AM
Information isn't the problem, unscrupulous people wielding it like a sword are.

Any attempt to restrict access will only empower those with access.

Since the information is "out there" the logical solution is to make it freely available.

09-29-2013, 06:43 AM
With a name like Progressive it seems fitting they would push such devices.

Anti Federalist
09-29-2013, 06:51 AM
Who, me or you? Well, alright, lets play ball.

When Information is used to cast the Chains of Obedience, that very same Information needs to be destroyed by Society itself.

Your turn. Hit it out of the park!


Government is just getting warmed up.

This place will be an unlivable police state in 20 years.