View Full Version : NBC propaganda: Giving Assad a pass is benefiting al Qaeda extremists!!!

09-11-2013, 08:04 PM
You see what's happening here, right? They're going to use Obama's defeat as an excuse to bring their phony numbers about the majority of rebels being moderates in line with what's really happening, and then blame it on inaction.

ANTAKYA, Turkey — Syrian opposition activists tell NBC News that Bashar Assad is getting away with having used chemical weapons to massacre hundreds of civilians, and that giving the regime a pass will only benefit al-Qaeda extremists.

“If there is no action, everyone will be desperate. We are already desperate. We are dying. Many will join al-Qaeda. Even the educated will join them, because no one else is helping,” a Syrian rebel said.

There is a battle underway within the Syrian revolt -- a war within the war -- between the generally moderate, US-backed Free Syrian Army and Islamic extremist groups.

The Free Syrian Army put its faith in Washington, which promised action, but so far hasn’t delivered. The moderates say they have lost hope and face. Islamists, on the other hand, always doubted Washington would act, and instead of attending meetings, they are putting bullets in their guns; and they are sending men.

Both want to topple Assad, but the end goals are very different: democracy on one side, and an Islamic state on the other.
