View Full Version : WSJ neocon hack Bret Stephens rails against "Robert Taft Republicans", omits TED CRUZ!

09-07-2013, 07:57 AM
Normally, I wouldn't post this crap (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324432404579050821624966890.html#a rticleTabs%3Darticle)here, but I think this article is symptomatic, because he mentions Rand and Lee and Amash, but omits Cruz. McCain listed Cruz among the "wacko-birds", but McCain is merely a puppet and fool. He was probably wrong about Cruz. Stephens' view is actually more revealing since he is more of a "player" and a part of the neoconservative media elite.

Yet the Syria debate is also exposing the isolationist worm eating its way through the GOP apple. Thus:
"The war in Syria has no clear national security connection to the United States and victory by either side will not necessarily bring into power people friendly to the United States." Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.).

"I believe the situation in Syria is not an imminent threat to American national security and, therefore, I do not support military intervention. Before taking action, the president should first come present his plan to Congress outlining the approach, cost, objectives and timeline, and get authorization from Congress for his proposal." Sen. Mike Lee (R., Utah).

"When the United States is not under attack, the American people, through our elected representatives, must decide whether we go to war." Rep. Justin Amash (R., Mich.)