View Full Version : Alternative Press is why Americans oppose Syrian Intervention.

09-02-2013, 03:51 AM
Video "Alternative Media: Challenging Obama on Syria."

Think about it, McCain says people do not trust government anymore. Why is that? He says that it's getting harder to get backing for government action. Why is that? Well, Brzezinski is smart enough to know why, the social media and alternative media has given more power to the average person and now bypasses the so-called "4th Estate" or official filter of information.

It is incredibly frustrating to see credible information on the true nature of the rebels (insurgents) in Syria and then the mainstream media ignore it. Maybe we need to double our efforts to expose more and more people who still rely on the MSN to the truth. Remember, unlike on zombie movies, people can be brought out of their death-like state with the right information/intervention.

09-02-2013, 04:15 AM
Time is on our side as the old fools like McCain and Pelosi are slow to figure out that younger generations don't much watch or care about the biased opinions of the MSM. The old techniques are not very effective outside of the 55+ year old market. The genie is out of the bottle.

tod evans
09-02-2013, 06:09 AM
Time is on our side as the old fools like McCain and Pelosi are slow to figure out that younger generations don't much watch or care about the biased opinions of the MSM. The old techniques are not very effective outside of the 55+ year old market. The genie is out of the bottle.


You've grouped me with the "younger" generation..:D

09-02-2013, 06:24 AM

You've grouped me with the "younger" generation..:D


09-02-2013, 07:38 AM
Whoever owns the means of information dissemination controls the people (or at least public opinion) because everyone including myself have to get information from SOMEwhere. If the information we have access to is flawed so too will our opinions, and reasoning and judgment be flawed. The mainstream media that most people trust for their news is in the unique position of having a near monopoly on information. Thank goodness that's changing, but for how long? I've always believed the most important battle in the fight for liberty is over control of information. The second our government manages to exert even the slightest control over the internet for whatever reason they successfully sell to the American people, will mark the beginning of the end of "alternative media". The internet IS the "Revolution of Ideas" Ron Paul was talking about.

09-02-2013, 07:47 AM
I'm wondering how long they will allow this to continue. It probably won't be long before we see a massive crackdown on "unsafe" websites.

Maybe they'll have their IT goons flood the internet with so many viruses that only safe, authorized browsers will be usable.

09-02-2013, 08:53 AM
Whoever owns the means of information dissemination controls the people (or at least public opinion) because everyone including myself have to get information from SOMEwhere. If the information we have access to is flawed so too will our opinions, and reasoning and judgment be flawed. The mainstream media that most people trust for their news is in the unique position of having a near monopoly on information. Thank goodness that's changing, but for how long? I've always believed the most important battle in the fight for liberty is over control of information. The second our government manages to exert even the slightest control over the internet for whatever reason they successfully sell to the American people, will mark the beginning of the end of "alternative media". The internet IS the "Revolution of Ideas" Ron Paul was talking about.

Yes, information is power because it influences our mind and the way we see the world. I will bet there are people on this forum who went along with things until they learned better. We can't sit back and cheer ourselves, we need to intensify our efforts.

09-02-2013, 08:56 AM

You've grouped me with the "younger" generation..:D

Voting-wise, you are. One of the problems this country has is that voting is far and away dominated by the 65+ crowd, who vote to give themselves stuff and send the bill to their grandchildren.

09-02-2013, 10:22 AM
True, this is a hopeful sign.

09-02-2013, 11:51 AM
This is why social media is so important. Even if people don't prefer facebook, please consider using Twitter as it's more anonymous and (IIRC) they aren't sharing info with the govt. Plus, using Twitter we can follow each other and retweet each other's stuff to trend it and call more attention to our issues/mindsets in the broader and popular Twitter community. Plus, all reporters, officials and politicians have Twitter accounts and it's an easy way to lean on them.

09-02-2013, 11:58 AM
Yes Indeed... When you can tell 2 friends... and they tell 2 friends... and they tell 2 friends... with links and info... job done well. Counters the embedded propaganda of Fascist corporate news/government relationships.

This is why social media is so important. Even if people don't prefer facebook, please consider using Twitter as it's more anonymous and (IIRC) they aren't sharing info with the govt. Plus, using Twitter we can follow each other and retweet each other's stuff to trend it and call more attention to our issues/mindsets in the broader and popular Twitter community. Plus, all reporters, officials and politicians have Twitter accounts and it's an easy way to lean on them.

09-03-2013, 03:18 AM
I'm wondering how long they will allow this to continue. It probably won't be long before we see a massive crackdown on "unsafe" websites.

Maybe they'll have their IT goons flood the internet with so many viruses that only safe, authorized browsers will be usable.

Even Obama and his goons will have a tough time shutting down Facebook and Twitter.

Those of us who oppose the war in Syria must do so both online and in real life.

Count me as a long term Army Veteran who thinks Obama's Syrian War is NUTS!

09-03-2013, 04:24 AM
I just don't understand why there's so much resistance. With Libya, no one gave a damn, whatsoever, except for like 10% of people. Everyone else just shrugged and gave some apologist justification for the actions.

Maybe people were still just consumed in post-election Obamaphoria still at that point. Maybe there was just better war propaganda leading up to the Libya strikes. Who knows.

Perhaps the lesson learned for the powers that be is if they're going to strike, they need to just do it immediately instead of dragging it out and letting cooler heads prevail. Debate on the topic obviously isn't going to end well for TPTB. No one wants war if they really think about it. Idiots will agree to it upon first glance but even after careful consideration idiots will agree that it's not a good idea a lot of the time.

09-03-2013, 04:29 AM
It seems Israel has fired them how predictable of them :rolleyes:

09-03-2013, 04:52 AM
That's a big part of it, but we are still involved in the longest war in US history and just ended the second longest. People are weary of war.