View Full Version : BUSH: Stay The Course!

11-28-2007, 05:06 AM
Continue devaluing the U.S. Dollar in-order to institute the Amero
Continue from securing our borders to initiate the North American Union
Continue to lose our Sovereignty by merging with Canada and Mexico
Continue eliminating our civil liberties with no fight from the people
Continue imposing a police state all across our Country
Continue moving forward in banning all weapons causing us to not be able to defend ourselves
Continue arresting those who go against the Government
Continue building our Empire all around the world forcing everyone into the New World Order
Continue implementing the National ID card to keep track of everyone
Continue seeking war with Iran who is no threat to us
Continue removing our troops from our own country making us vulnerable to attack
Continue upsetting Russia and China who have stepped up their military and have increased confrontations
Continue this course and World War III is eminent

People wake up!!! There is no time left! Our country is being brought down fast by our own Government. We must act now to save our country from disaster. If you think we can wait until the next elected president comes into office, you are wrong! President Bush has another year in office to destroy our Country. The signs are out there, look at the all the recent incidents with Russia and China, most of them not reported in the news across the U.S. We are doomed if all of our forces are sent out to attack Iran. A draft will most certainly have to be initiated. No one will be left to defend our country especially if the Second Amendment is taken away from us. The propaganda machine is already in place. The Government owns the media. Matter of fact, the Government owns everything except the people, yet we are sitting around doing nothing making excuses for why they are doing what they do.

Give me liberty
11-28-2007, 05:25 AM
Dont forget that he also wants the H.R 1955 bill.

11-28-2007, 05:26 AM
Thanks! If anyone else has other information you would like to add, feel free.

11-28-2007, 05:37 AM
Bush plans on continuing all the above through Giuliani.

11-28-2007, 07:21 AM
and Clinton.

11-28-2007, 07:25 AM
Boy that's good. I've been trying to convince neocon friends of all of that stuff, and they refuse to listen. I'll keep the list in mind.

11-28-2007, 08:29 AM
Defend our freedoms or what's left of them