View Full Version : "Hypocrite of the Century": Obama hypocrisy on Syria and Gaza

08-28-2013, 06:43 PM
Obama was recently called "hypocrite of the century" in Irish Parliament:

Caution: graphic scenes



Sanitized versions:


Obama deaf mute and blind on Israel's slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza PHOSPORUS BOMB MADE IN USA



Keep eyes on 2016 Presidential transition, a favorite season for US tax payers funded Israeli military to bomb mostly unarmed Palestinians under its occupation. Lookout for George Calooney's protest for "people of Sudan" on US TVs to distract attention soon after next rain of US supplied bombs on Gaza population.

08-30-2013, 09:40 PM
Yeah, here's another article on that: http://libertarianboard.com/2013/08/nbc-poll-79-percent-congressional-approval-syria/

It is almost comical to hear recordings of Obama or to read the Boston Globe interview with Obama that's mentioned in that article where he's criticizing Bush for bypassing congress to go to war with Iraq. It's amazing. Biden even said it would be terms for impeachment (of course, that was only for a Republican...LOL). And then the quotes on NSA spying....Obama was slamming what was being done but now he's gone beyond it. It's crazy.

08-30-2013, 09:46 PM
Good info and yep Biden is another dope.. but with bit more charisma than HoTC.