View Full Version : Mises: How to Fight the Modern State

08-19-2013, 08:02 AM

In this 1997 speech by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, now available as an ebook from the Mises Institute under the title What Must Be Done (http://mises.org/document/4365/What-Must-Be-Done), Hoppe presents a plan of action for anarcho-capitalists against the modern state.
Hoppe begins by examining the nature of the state as “a monopolist of defense and the provision and enforcement of law and order.” Like all state-mandated monopolies, the monopoly of law enforcement also leads to higher prices and lower quality of services. Why is this state of affairs tolerated? The modern democratic states, much more than the monarchies and princely estates of old, are seen as moral and necessary despiteample evidence to the contrary.
In this initial analysis, we find much of what Hoppe eventually expanded into his 2001 book Democracy: The God that Failed (https://mises.org/store/Democracy-The-God-That-Failed-P240.aspx), which systematically dismantled modern arguments in favor of the democratic state.
In the final portion of his speech, Hoppe turns to discussing how a modern partisan of liberty might act to counter the march of centralization and the destruction of property, culture, learning, and natural social hierarchies.

A Bottom-Up Revolution:
