View Full Version : Killin' Kittens one OP at a time.

08-18-2013, 05:41 PM

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shooting a Kitten in the Head (http://www.gnuoynwahs.com/2010/01/shooting-kitten-in-head.html) Even if it's a large kitten, it never takes more than one shot with a properly aimed pistol. For the novice shooter, the hardest part is not pulling the trigger. It's picking up the gun to do what has to be done. And sometimes, darnit, you have to shoot the kitten.

Have you ever seen a field goal kicked in an NFL football game? If you're a Cincy native, you saw a few unpleasant and disheartening kicks recently. No matter where you reside, though, if you've seen a kick, you've seen the camera shot where the fans are in the background. If it's the visiting team kicking, you'd expect to see people waving their arms from their stands in an attempt to create a distraction.

I never see that in Bengals games. The fans don't try. They don't play their part to shake the attention of the kicker. That's why no one worries about playing in the "jungle."

It's slightly understandable from a social perspective, I suppose. It's difficult to flail around like an inflatable advertising prop when you assume no one else will do it with you. But there have been games played in this world that were won or lost by the passion of the crowd. Sometimes the crowd makes the difference, even as a gathered mass.

Gathered masses stand behind things; they have common goals. They have an important role to play: to be heard.

With enough support,
a crowd of people can drown out every other sound in an area.
But they don't start that way out of the gate.
They have to ramp up to it.
And the only way to crescendo
is for someone to take it to the next level.

Just one person.

If a solitary member of a group of people raises their voice,
they set the the bar for the rest of the assembly to match.
If no one ever tried to increase their decibel level,
the benchmark would never change.

So what makes that one person get louder? What gives them the courage to wave their arms when the rest of the crowd is perfectly content with standing still? Human spirit. The urge to stand out. The desire to have an independent identity.

But if they crave indivuality, why do they gather with the group?

Because they share a direction with the group.

So why is it that only certain people are willing to get louder if everyone wants to have a unique identity?

Because a lot of people are just happy being a part of the mass. They'll get louder to stay at par with the group, but they won't set the benchmark.

Does that make them wrong? No, but...

... if you were the team that they were cheering for, wouldn't you be disappointed in their lack of passion?

Without attempted fan distractions, the games are just back and forth, and very one dimensional. They get lost in the background on the next morning's news.

Get out there and shoot some kittens.


The “Humane Officer” shows up, tells her the shelters are full and that the animals will be going to “kitty heaven.” She understands that they need to be euthanized, so she consents. The cop then pulls out his gun and methodically shoots all five kittens dead, in front of the woman, and with her kids right inside the house listening to the carnage.

this is what all humane societies do:

shoot kittens in the head.

/granted with captive bolts in splatter-controlled conditions

more 'Muricana:

Sorry for the schizo post... killin' kittens one OP at a time.

07-02-2014, 05:27 AM
lol... who didn't see this coming:

An Ohio policeman shot to death a litter of kittens on Wednesday, telling a group of screaming children that the animals would be going to “kitty heaven”. But instead of firing the officer, the local police department cleared him of any wrongdoing.


If a solitary member of a group of people raises their voice,
they set the the bar for the rest of the assembly to match.
If no one ever tried to increase their decibel level,
the benchmark would never change.
Get out there and shoot some kittens.

Henry Rogue
07-02-2014, 08:46 AM
If you don't want something to die, don't call the cops.