View Full Version : Rialto, CA Police Made to Wear Cameras, Use of Force Drops by Over Two-Thirds

08-10-2013, 02:56 PM

When cops in a Rialto, California were forced to wear cameras, their use of force dropped by over two-thirds. Additionally, the officers who were not made to wear the cameras used force twice as much as those who did. This strongly suggests the majority of the time police use force is unnecessary. In other words, the majority of the time these officers used force they were simply committing acts of violence which they don't feel comfortable committing if it's captured on film.


08-10-2013, 04:18 PM
This clearly endangers a police officers's right to safety.

08-10-2013, 04:21 PM
Strange that they would be afraid of being violent wearing the cams, since there are almost never any consequences, video or not.

08-10-2013, 04:27 PM
strap a mandatory camera that cannot be tampered with on every officer in america and have the video collection be undertaken by a private or non-profit agency and that is somewhat of a step in the right direction.

tod evans
08-10-2013, 04:28 PM
I'd imagine a large portion of the aggressive cops don't want movies of their behavior made public whether or not they'd be punished by the "Just-Us" department...

Such trivia makes it really difficult to continue lying to friends-n-family, let alone John Q.

08-10-2013, 04:29 PM
strap a mandatory camera that cannot be tampered with on every officer in america and have the video collection be undertaken by a private or non-profit agency and that is somewhat of a step in the right direction.

And have their cameras stream live (very possible in a few years) so people can monitor any cop, any time! lol!

08-10-2013, 04:50 PM
If officers would act like professionals they would not fear recordings. If they have budgets for anti-mine vehicles, they certainly have funds for cameras.

tod evans
08-10-2013, 04:58 PM
It's not just street cops who should be recorded every moment they're being paid, it's prosecutors, jailers and every single member of the "Just-Us" department including those jokers in black dresses who claim the authority to give the constitution new meaning.

I like to tell myself that if Boobus could view the behavior of his public servants he'd be outraged...

08-10-2013, 05:35 PM
If they have budgets for anti-mine vehicles, they certainly have funds for cameras.

Hell Arpaio justified a tank here, as I'm sure you're aware. What has he used it for? To raid a man's chicken farm which he said was being used for cock-fighting. They most certainly have money for cameras if they can afford a damn tank.

08-10-2013, 05:38 PM
strap a mandatory camera that cannot be tampered with on every officer in america and have the video collection be undertaken by a private or non-profit agency and that is somewhat of a step in the right direction.

It should be collar mounted, live feed back to oversight with built in shock capability, maybe a vibrate mode for warnings.


tod evans
08-10-2013, 05:42 PM

08-10-2013, 05:46 PM
Keep it simple... one of each the pets eye view and a shock collar, you could probably outfit a whole swineyard for under a $2000 bucks. I'd gladly volunteer as chief button pusher.

08-10-2013, 08:39 PM
Hell Arpaio justified a tank here, as I'm sure you're aware. What has he used it for? To raid a man's chicken farm which he said was being used for cock-fighting. They most certainly have money for cameras if they can afford a damn tank.
Steven Segal should be shamed for that one as well.

Raid the farm to save the animals..... Kill all of the animals. (dogs and chickens for those who didn't read about that one)

Seems legit.

Didn't they drive the tank into the side of the man's home? Or was driving through his gate enough of a movie star entrance?

I really can't remember.

08-10-2013, 09:03 PM
This would be the simplest way of attempting to fix the system if stipulated a malfunctioning camera or audio device when an incident is in question is grounds for automatic termination, no appeals. No PBA. Zero tolerance. Think of drugs within a mile of a school zero tolerance. If evidence is found of misconduct, bruises or welts or witness corroboration the officer in question should be promptly arrested. You know, now that I'm really starting to think about the scenarios it is apparent an entire revamping of the idea of police and the justice system needs to occur.

What about the judge who shows favoritism to the cop? Or the District Attorney who relied on said officer for convictions? The conflicts of interest. Now that is a very superficial observation. One easily observed. You really start looking into the systemic problems coupled with the police's militarization and you realize these cameras do nothing at all.

They already have cameras. They malfunction or are lost more than you'd imagine. Mass malfunctions. 10-20 at a time. Now with that said, it would subconsciously remind them to treat people with respect. Those without superiority would fear for being thrown under the bus should they get caught up violating someone's rights. It can be argued rookies with inadequate training and immaturity are the worse perpetrators of police abuse. It could also be argued that those who know the prosecutors, the judges, the clerks of court, the chief of police, etc. are more comfortable with getting let off for their abuses.

I'm getting to the point, and it has taken me a while, of saying fire the lot of them. Idgaf. The problem is so rooted and flagrant there isn't much to fix it. Start over. An entire redefining of what modern peace officers ought to be. By and large Americans aren't ready.

08-10-2013, 09:19 PM
And have their cameras stream live (very possible in a few years) so people can monitor any cop, any time! lol!

You first mundane.

http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/It+s+funny+but+there+was+so+much+corruption+in+the +_7ed1c993d85897a52dd3c285c9eef210.gif

08-10-2013, 09:45 PM
Steven Segal should be shamed for that one as well.

Raid the farm to save the animals..... Kill all of the animals. (dogs and chickens for those who didn't read about that one)

Seems legit.

Didn't they drive the tank into the side of the man's home? Or was driving through his gate enough of a movie star entrance?

I really can't remember.

They drove it right into the side of his house and almost through it. The neighbors were all scared to death. They thought they were under siege. In fact, since Steven Segal was there, that would make sense. (This lousy joke is proof I started drinking too early this evening.)