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08-08-2013, 10:48 PM
In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.
The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan unveiled the federal rule at the NAACP convention in July.
"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This is simply wrong,” he said.
Data from this discrimination database would be used with zoning laws, housing finance policy, infrastructure planning and transportation to alleviate alleged discrimination and segregation.

Specifics of the proposed rule are lacking. Now published in the Federal Register and undergoing a 60-day comment period, the rule, "does not prescribe or enforce specific” policies.
But one critic says it smacks of utopian idealism.
"This is just the latest of a series of attempts by HUD to social engineer the American people," said Ed Pinto, of the American Enterprise Institute. "It started with public housing and urban renewal, which failed spectacularly back in the 50's and 60's. They tried it again in the 90's when they wanted to transform house finance, do away with down payments, and the result was millions of foreclosures and financial collapse.”
Some fear the rule will open the floodgates to lawsuits by HUD -- a weapon the department has already used in places like Westchester County, N.Y., where mayors and attorneys representing several towns, like Cortlandt, are writing HUD to protest burdensome fair housing mandates that go far beyond those agreed to in a 2009 settlement with HUD.

One letter written by Cortlandt town attorney Thomas Wood expresses a common dilemma.
"Cordlandt is mostly residential and has only a few vacant parcels that could be developed for commercial use," he writes. "In order to stabilize the tax base amongst the most affordable in Westchester County, the Town Board needs to encourage the development of commercial property for commercial use."

Rob Astorino, the Westchester County Executive, recently said, "What they are trying to do is to say discrimination and zoning is the same thing. They are not. Discrimination won't be tolerated. I won't tolerate it. Zoning though, protects what can and can't be built in a neighborhood."
Also troublesome to critics is that the HUD secretary, in announcing this proposed rule, blamed poverty on zip codes – rather than other socio-economic factors that studies have shown contribute to poverty.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/08/obama-administration-using-housing-department-to-compel-diversity-in/#ixzz2bRbEvXdI

08-08-2013, 10:52 PM
God help us.

08-08-2013, 10:53 PM
God help us.

No, the government does that now.

08-08-2013, 11:18 PM
I have no neighbors, does that mean I discriminate everyone?

08-08-2013, 11:32 PM
The end game of this is to get more communist voters into house districts that do not have , yet enough for control , they already own the rest.

08-08-2013, 11:33 PM
Is this referring to like gated communities? How would someone from section 8 housing afford a house there?

Its shit like this that Barry Goldwater forsaw when he voted against the civil rights act

08-08-2013, 11:42 PM
Is this referring to like gated communities? How would someone from section 8 housing afford a house there?

Its shit like this that Barry Goldwater forsaw when he voted against the civil rights act

Probably by 2025 , all non rural populations will live in a govt owned hut, get a tv dinner at the end of the day and pay 75 % tax.

02-15-2014, 10:38 AM

HUD is currently hammering out the final details of a set of rules it proposed in 2013. The 33-page proposal is entitled "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It provides HUD with the means to alter the population distribution of cities it deems to be segregated. Diversity mapping breaks city neighborhoods into four races – white, black, Hispanic and Asian. Under HUD's proposal, an area with a nonwhite population of 50 percent or more would be classified as “segregated.”

Among the first cities to be targeted would be Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Memphis, Indianapolis and Cincinnati. If they wished to access federal funding, such cities would need programs aimed at detecting disparities, for example, in “the employment numbers for African-American and white households." Then they would need to change codes and regulations to encourage non-discrimination and to otherwise promote the migration of “minorities” into segregated areas.

In a St. Louis American article (Jan. 15, 2014), black commentator Adolphus Pruitt explained, “The Obama administration is serious about addressing this issue. The administration is currently withholding Hurricane Sandy disaster relief funding for Westchester County, NY. HUD has also refused to renew housing grants totaling $17 million to Westchester County, after determining that zoning in seven of the county's municipalities was exclusionary. The county was advised to sue those cities and towns to end restrictive practices, such as limiting the size, type, height and density of buildings.”


HUD's stated purpose is to open the American dream up to minorities. The opposite will occur. The social engineering of communities will only perpetuate “protected minorities” as an underclass which relies upon government privilege and tax-funding to 'succeed'. Entitlement programs, like welfare, cement people into a cycle of dependency rather than launch them into self-sufficiency.
Unfortunately, as an executive agency, HUD is answerable only to the President. Little stands in the way of rubber-stamping the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. HUD's proposed policies will only ferment racial tensions where none need exist. Tax-subsidized racial quotas will damage neighborhoods in the same manner it has damaged the quality of higher education. All races will lose. They will point accusing fingers at each other rather than at the real villain: government.

Works like a charm every time.

Wendy comments:

...I could write several columns on the specific benefits of the forced integration...but I'll just mention one here. The minorities who will be relocated at tax expense and have their new rents largely paid by tax subsidy also vote Democrat on an overwhelming basis. The non-minority suburbs which will be targeted are generally Republican strongholds. Thus, the Democrats can further bribe their constituency while eroding their opponents support. Especially in close elections for the House, having many more minority (Democrat) voters in the suburbs could result in a Democrat victory. I would not be surprised if those areas were targeted first.


Another "profit" is that there are many, many houses sitting empty due to foreclosure due to the wretched policies of banks that function virtually as an arm of the state these days. By plunking Section 8 people in a $1000 a month home with a $600 tax-subsidy, the house is occupied and the government/banks get $400 a month. It is a racket beyond belief.

tod evans
02-15-2014, 10:44 AM
I have no neighbors, does that mean I discriminate everyone?


tod evans
02-15-2014, 10:48 AM
...I could write several columns on the specific benefits of the forced integration...but I'll just mention one here. The minorities who will be relocated at tax expense and have their new rents largely paid by tax subsidy also vote Democrat on an overwhelming basis. The non-minority suburbs which will be targeted are generally Republican strongholds. Thus, the Democrats can further bribe their constituency while eroding their opponents support. Especially in close elections for the House, having many more minority (Democrat) voters in the suburbs could result in a Democrat victory. I would not be surprised if those areas were targeted first.

The same thing that has happened all along will happen in these "targeted" neighborhoods, the hardworking self-respecting folks will evacuate.

02-15-2014, 11:23 AM
The same thing that has happened all along will happen in these "targeted" neighborhoods, the hardworking self-respecting folks will evacuate.

No you won't, peasant. :(

02-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Then they would need to change codes and regulations to encourage non-discrimination

Pure unadulterated doublespeak.

02-15-2014, 07:17 PM
The title makes my tummy ill.

02-15-2014, 07:59 PM
This is what Rand should have spoke about instead of talking about businesses refusing service. It would sound less mean to the low information voters.

There was a story that a black community didn't want an organic store in their area. I don't know if they want to play ball with Eric Holder.