View Full Version : Hey all, Were moving up but can we please focus on South Carolina?

Dave Wood
11-27-2007, 06:42 PM
I really dont mean to be pushy here but S.C. is the make or break state IMHO.

Iowa is likely to fall to Huck and Romney with us in third....N.H will be good for us, Nevada appears to be on our side and Michigan seems to be slowly leaning in our direction.....That leaves S.C., the belle of the south.

Half of S.C. republicans are brainwashed by Msm, the other half are in the military or are touched by the military in some way and are realists.

S.C. is strange when it comes to DEMS influence. There are a lot of northeast transplants and a lot of minorities that have been taught to draw from the govt teet.

There is a TON of MONEY in S.C., dont be fooled and regardless of the stereotyping, S.C. people are far from stupid.

I really dont know what the campaigns plan is in S.C. but we could help a great deal to turn that state in our direction.

I will give you an example....do you want to know how someone like Strom Thurman stayed in office all of these years? He personally called each one of his constituents on their birthday! TRUTH! My family is somewhat welltodo and reside in Chas. S.C. and they are open to "Your Man Ron Paul" as they always say to me.

Maybe I`m begging here but is there a way to push S.C. to the forefront along with N.H. regarding grassroots work?