View Full Version : 'Common Core' In Jeopardy As More States Withdraw

07-25-2013, 05:48 PM
'Common Core' In Jeopardy As More States Withdraw (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/24/Common-Core-In-Jeopardy-As-More-States-Withdraw)

24 Jul 2013

Georgia has now joined the states of Alabama, Utah, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania in withdrawing from the national Common Core tests. With this latest state withdrawal, the program appears to be in danger of unraveling.

Ron Paul: 'Common Core' Nationalizes and Dumbs Down Public School Curriculum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4so9LiFDzI)


Ben Swann Exposes Common Core Curriculum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrpjiywhSQU)


Continue to help stop Common Core:

Natural Citizen
12-23-2013, 07:42 AM
The first paragraph in the article reflects the generational gap that is the biggest roadblock in preparing students for success in the current century. The current generation of youth are the first to live their entire lives in a technological world and one in which they have the ability to self direct and self teach given the benefit of a modern, technology based, classroom. Of course, the previous generation is not a product of this and present an invalid gripe relevant only to special interest in the fruits of maintaining a nation of consumers as opposed to that which would prepare innovators. One premised solely upon fulfillment of the political vision of the previous generation regardless of the fact that it is obsolete as well as destructive. A last ditch effort, so to speak, to politically force application and curriculum that further stimulates the very Industrial Age logic that continues to crush innovation within education infrastructure while also challenging the application of relevant technology within classrooms that would encourage the student to learn to exist and compete from within the infrastructure in which they themselves are a product. Opposition will fail in scope. Time is on the side of youth. Know that.

Here's a relevant paper written some time ago but really just a shallow once over. The thread reminded of it. http://education.mit.edu/papers/GamesSimsSocNets_EdArcade.pdf

According to Politico (http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/common-core-academic-standards-94628.html?hp=r6), now that the new math and language tests that are tied to the Common Core (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/22/What-American-Parents-Should-Know-About-The-Common-Core-Standards) national academic standards are almost ready, state officials have found that the exams are too long, too expensive, and require a higher level of computer technology than is often available. Perhaps first and foremost, however, states are fighting back against the standards as a federal intrusion into an area that has historically been reserved for them.

Of course, some of the political propaganda that I've read is a legitimate gripe but that's a separate issue and what I'm talking about here is nuts and bolts. It's an entirely different phenomenon in which political people who are products of obsolete educational infrastructure or are historically incapable of acknowledging or understanding ("has historically been reserved for them", as the paper mentions) it's application in today's classroom. Education 101 during these delicate times of generational and infrastructural transition is equal only to the days of Apollo. And only minimally equal to be clear.

The U.S. is dead last or second to last in the most critical areas of aptitude globally. This is what happens when little Johnny is deemed to be so special that he isn't allowed to fail. This is the result of teaching little Johnny that his only practical use in life is to consume Chinese junk from people who actually did benefit fom an education model relative to modern infrastructure because the people who were supposed to be representing him chose to help his foreign counterpart out via the H1-B. This is the result of implying social phenomenon that success is defined by his willingness to consume himself into oblivion in order to benefit the growth model of a few powerful biotech industries like agribusiness and big pharma who, themselves, function hand in hand with government to make sure it stays that way. These are the results of the failed vision of old men whose growth can only flourish if this destructive model continues. A vision which demands that we continue to maintain a population of reckless, uneducated, consumers with no desire to produce anything but demand for the industries whose growth model contradicts their healthy survival. One that justifies the actions of our supposed wise men and women who were elected to represent them yet choose to stand up there like glorified pop-up ads for these industries so that little Johnny understands what his role truly is in life according to their vision of what surmises growth and stability. Not one that stimulates the notion of preparing a generation of healthy American innovators and subsequent competitors in the new world in which these youth are truly it's only masters.

Any representative who uses the H1-B in a manner inconsistent with the relevant classroom preparation of American students to create and compete in the Information Age in which they are it's only product does our country as well as it's youth a disservice. These are the brood who would be content to maintain a population of consumers whose role is limited simply to occupy the revolving doors of their political doners. These are trustees in the failed ways of old men who precede them and whose vision will certainly ensure that American youth will continue to occupy the bottom spot of the global education graph. In fact, this destructive vision demands that they occupy that spot.