View Full Version : Why the Terrorcrats Win: This is Your Brain on Terrorism

07-24-2013, 08:47 PM
When the government offers Americans a promise of security in exchange for abandoning Constitutional rights, the human brain is wired in a way that leads most people to make a wildly errant calculation about risk and reward:

This is Your Brain on Terrorism
"Edward Snowden’s revelations about the federal government’s mass collection of phone records, emails, web browsing history and social media interactions have prompted a collective contemplation of a critical question: Should we surrender Constitutionally-enshrined liberties for the government’s promise of security against terror?

Unfortunately, our ability to reach a rational decision on this question is hampered by our humanity: While the **** sapiens brain has come a long way, it’s still wired to assess potential threats with emotion rather than reason. As a result, we’re susceptible to extreme exaggeration of the threat of terrorism and may be making a catastrophically bad bargain with our essential freedoms."

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