View Full Version : Keep America Safe From Liz Cheney

07-18-2013, 09:27 AM
Excerpt from a very long article in The Atlantic:

Cheney's low regard for ciOne aspect of that analysis is accurate: Liz Cheney's foreign-policy views, which would only be considered "sensible" at a magazine (Commentary) that still regards the Iraq War as a prudent undertaking, explain a great deal of the opposition to her. Most Americans understand that investing trillions of dollars (http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/14/us-iraq-war-anniversary-idUSBRE92D0PG20130314) and thousands of American lives in Iraq was a historic blunder. Tea Party types don't want to defend the conflict, but neither are they comfortable fully confronting the truth about Team Bush's folly or the toll it has taken on the GOP's reputation for competence in foreign policy.

Enzi supported the Iraq War too, and it may be irrational that his challenger is more tied, in the public mind, to the invasion. But being the offspring of a vice president has consequences. On one hand, you enjoy a base of donors and a degree of name recognition far beyond what individual merit would've brought. On the other hand, you're tied to the family brand. Republicans aren't thrilled about this primary challenge in part because of the nature of the Cheney brand: It is understandably associated in the minds of many Americans with misleading the nation into a disastrous war, an official program of illegal torture, a proclivity for Machiavellian power grabs, and a relationship with Halliburton that seemed like cronyism. There is, as well, the public's distaste for political dynasties, due to the reasonable suspicion that the younger members wouldn't be where they are without inside-the-Beltway nepotism, and the carpetbagger vibe of her brief residence in the state prior to declaring her run.

It is fair to judge Liz Cheney based on the family brand? Personally, I try not to hold the illegal, immoral acts of a father against his son or daughter unless he or she implicates herself in the objectionable positions.

Liz Cheney hasn't just embraced the objectionable actions and positions of neoconservative Republicans. She has also earned an independent reputation as someone who participates in weak, laughable, and even scurrilous attacks on ideological opponents that can only cast doubt on her judgment and moral character. The weak, laughable attacks are often aimed at Obama, of whom I am often critical. But even people who hold Obama in low esteem can't help but feel embarrassed on behalf of commentators who discredit themselves by making absurd claims (http://mediamatters.org/video/2013/05/28/hannity-and-liz-cheney-agree-obama-is-afraid-to/194246) like, "He's unwilling to go after the terrorists that are threatening the nation." To deny Obama's willingness to go after terrorists is to be deeply ignorant, ideologically blinkered, or a liar. None of those qualities is desirable in an aspiring U.S. senator.

On another occasion, Cheney said of Obama, "He's working to preemptively disarm America while rogue states like North Korea and Iran build nuclear weapons capabilities and stockpiles." Under Obama, the U.S. spends orders of magnitude more on defense than any other country; it maintains a nuclear stockpile large enough to obliterate whole continents if not the earth itself; and it has invested billions in a fleet of armed drones that increases our weapons capabilities. Obama's policy is, in other words, keeping us armed to the teeth. I understand that convention holds that it's unfair to begrudge pundits when they go on Fox News and utter inane talking points so far beyond exaggeration that they're just lies, but this is especially inane.

The rest of the article can be read here (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/07/angling-for-the-senate-keep-america-safe-from-liz-cheney/277866/).

07-18-2013, 09:44 AM
ALL you need to know... William Krystal and Liz Cheney Co-founders of NEOCON Warmongering Security Apparatus ... Scrubbed and sterilized all their NEOCON sites and accounts. Everything taken down prior to Liz Cheney announcing her candidacy for US Senator for Wyoming. Slick bastards, eh?

INFO: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/keep_america_safe

Keep America Safe (KAS) was founded in 2009 by two key figures in the hardline nationalist advocacy community, Elizabeth Cheney (http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Cheney_Elizabeth) (daughter of Dick Cheney (http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Cheney_Dick)) and William Kristol (http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Kristol_William), editor of the neoconservative flagship journal the Weekly Standard (http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Weekly_Standard). A key aim of the group appears to be to pressure the United States to remain in a state of constant military mobilization.




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