View Full Version : RT: Suppressed whistleblower on Snowden and 911

07-02-2013, 02:36 PM


Interesting interview.

Watch it the whole way through even if for some strange reason it stops playing.

07-02-2013, 02:43 PM
Doesn't surprise me at all...they needed that war. Just more evidence to chalk up that our government is fucked up.

07-02-2013, 03:01 PM
"The Patriot Act has criminalized dissension. It says that sedition is the act of opposing the government through non-violent means--has become such a threat that free speech itself is now criminalized by the Patriot Act, and I think we're going to see the PA applied to many more people and many more situations that were never intended."

You know it.


Thus, a terrorist is a person with political, social or ideological goals that are both deeply held and highly critical of the U.S. government. He may use violence; he may not. The “peaceful terrorist” attempts to influence society in ways that others sometimes find intimidating; for example, he may insist on owning a gun. The terrorist is also “clandestine”; that is, he cleaves to privacy and resists surveillance.

The “peaceful terrorist” is a libertarian standing in the good company of others who dissent; for example, those who believe “freedom of speech” has a literal meaning.


The transformation of the word “terrorist” has shifted focus from the raw reality of state violence onto the mere possibility of individual violence, which is defined broadly enough to include dissent. In a stunning lexical victory, the police state has become the victim. Those who peacefully exercise their natural rights have become the terrorists.