View Full Version : December the 16th Counter

11-27-2007, 01:28 AM
I was thinking that a counter just for Dec 16th would be a good idea. Just something to personalize it even more and energize the grassroots. I don't have the ability to do this but I'm sure one of you out there does.

My ideas for a graphic are:

The deck of ship with a cannon, the cannon itself being the counter and once it's filled (say 6.3 million) fireworks explode and such. All very exciting.


The Statue of Liberty, with a dark background of NY. The statue is in the forefront but it's the torch that is the counter and as it fills it lights the city.

That's it, hope it's a useful idea.

11-27-2007, 09:39 AM
A bump for Rob, or whomever. This is a pretty small thing, but could be very popular.

If we could do it for rudysreadinglist, it can be set to fire a warning to stop donating if we reach our $12M goal.